• Subscribe
  • What kind of lead magnets have you used to attract more newsletter subscribers?

    It can have its various forms: – e-books – coupon codes – webinar access – additional infographic etc. What have you offered in your business? How did you name it? And what strategy for distribution did you use? (My friend is asking.) :D


    Gaby Korablyova
    I've used e-books, webinars, and discount codes as lead magnets. I named them things like "Ultimate Guide". Promoted them through social media, email, and blog posts. Worked great to attract new subscribers! 😁
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @gaby_korablyova Hey Gaby, thank you for sharing. Can you reveal how many people did it attract? :D
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    🧲 I am in the process of creating a lead magnet but it doesn't mean you have to wait for it. :D You can subscribe to my newsletter right now: https://businessandmarketing.sub... Tomorrow, I am releasing a new issue.
    Monica Ogoke
    what will be my benefits
    I've found that offering exclusive eBooks, discount codes, and access to webinars are effective lead magnets for attracting more newsletter subscribers. For example, a free guide on winning strategies for platforms like jagoslot can draw in an audience interested in gaming insights.
    A 5-day educational email course is often a standout. I try to name my lead magnets as specific as possible(even if it's long) DM'ing people, ads, WOM
    @busmark_w_nika What kind of lead magnets would you recommend for a super-app(all in one apps)? even better if it's a homebuying app specific suggestion
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @baruns what do you mean by homebuying app? What can the app do? :)
    @busmark_w_nika It can help you search for homes, store all your documents, have a AI-powered real estate agent throught the whole process, and get insights on homes. All based on your preferences. https://www.producthunt.com/post...
    Ethan Samuel Bennett
    I've found offering a free ebook or PDF guide related to my newsletter topic works well as a lead magnet. For example, '10 Insider Tips to Supercharge Your Marketing' or a case study showing results. The key is providing genuine value that makes people excited to subscribe for more.
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @ethansamuelbennett can you share your newsletter? :)