Hi PHers, happy Monday!HEAR THIS - A few days ago, I was coding some stuff on my desk, and then as usual, I went on Youtube :P I was getting a brain fog from all the random stuff there, lol, but then I came across this nerdy dude from Europe with a psychedelic tshirt on, saying he got story telling figured out. I was like, FINALLY im gonna be able to get potential users to engage with my stuff. I took a coffee sip, ate my peanut butter and started watching the video. I need to admit...the things that guy said, and the examples he gave got me HOOKED.Now STOP.If you still reading, the techniques from the guy really work ;)I just used it above to describe you how it happened. (It did happen like this).Without further ado, here is the insights I got from the guy when you do storytelling:Share the location and time of the story you are sharing i.e "A few days ago, around midnight, i was sitting on my couch wearing a tshirt". Make it vizual, even say the color of the clothes, or the smell in the room.Share what you were doing i.e "I was binge scrolling on Instagram, looking some animal talking to human reels" . Make it real make it visual. Things that people resonate with. Dont just say, I was doing my routine, being productive. This is "shit talk" and no one cares. Has no soul.Share thoughts, completely unfiltered, raw. i.e "I was in the super market doing groceries, and I couldnt stop thinking about how my cousin last night didnt stop chatting shit about the new neighbor". Share your real thoughts. Lets be real, we all want to look perfect and productive, but nobody thinks about " Hey im so productive, let's put a timer on and go do deep work". No. The brain reminds us all the stupid shit we did in the past. How everyone else is better than us and makes us FOMO, and how much we care about how others see us. That is the TRUTH. Share it.Include feelings in your story. Emotions connect people. Express the exact feeling of the story "i was super stressed, i didnt know what will come out of his mouth the next second". Not just boring stuff, I felt happy, or angry. MAKE THE USERS VIZUALIZE.Dialogue. Include the dialogue you had with someone (or with yourself lol) explicitly with the poetic view. i.e Dont say "he told me it was great" say "5 mins after explaining her what happened, she looked at me and said WOW, this is really the best thing ive ever seen".Now folks, I dont want this post to get super long. I gave you the 5 techniques, USE THEM. They help me a lot ;) No need to use them in a particular way, just in every story you say, apply them, make sure they are all in. I think this is gold.<3