
Data entry automation- Feedback needed!


The team would love to hear from more folks that are doing manual data entry for ERP, EDI etc.
Would love to know your frustrations, your problems and how we might be able to help?

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Ruban Phukan

Completely agree, manual data entry for ERPs is still a major roadblock for efficiency.

One of the biggest things we’ve seen is that even when automation is available, companies are hesitant to change because they worry about integration issues or loss of control.


@goodgistai That is def a worry that we've encountered! Our team does the integration and we are building AI tools that are more adaptable than traditional software. This is how AI can help! We can take very fragmented space that previously needs specialized software.


@goodgistai It is def a thing to watch out for though! Especially because the we are targeting more traditional industries, many are pretty hesitant to use technology to replace human labor. However, I do believe that the ones that embrace digital change will end up winning out because they will be more efficient, cost effective and accurate.

Matt Carroll

I've done a decent amount of work in the integrations space, both on an ERP and in more ad-hoc consulting roles.

I don't personally have a problem, per say, as I can write the code to make the problem go away, but many of the people i see can almost begin to do these integrations themselves, but dont have quite enough flexibility in the existing platforms like zapier.

If I were to try to make a product in this space I would want there to be a lot of flexibility (with some escape hatches to raw code) to join data and trigger side effects, yet have all "endpoints" in the pipeline be rigorously "typed" to provide guardrails.

Not sure that really helps, but I think its a super cool space and I hope you can converge on some use cases that resonate. almost nobody enjoys manual data entry and I think a lot of people still do it, so probably a really high leverage thing to be working on!


@catt_marroll Do you mean that we should keep our tech open enough so that folks at the businesses can do some more customization? Or more that we should account for all of the individual needs?

Jake Crump

@fluxity This is an area I'm honestly not too familiar with. I'm curious though what your assumptions are for the frustrations and problems folks are facing here? Having built a tool to specifically address this, I'm guessing you saw a particular need. Would be interesting to hear a bit more about that space!


@jakecrump Our long term vision is to replace all of the back office work that no one really wants to do but have to as part of their job. If we leave all of the manual identification, match categories and typing to AI, it is faster, more accurate and most of all free up the team to do more engaging work. This includes, ERP, EDI or even TMS (transportation management systems).


@jakecrump we also thought about other form of data entry automation like at the doctor office etc. But thought there was a gap here that needed tackling after speaking to some folks in more traditional industries.