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July 26th, 2024
OpenAI has fired shots at Google with its latest launch

Cast your mind back a few months. OpenAI was gearing up for its Spring Update event, and the rumor mill was working overtime to pump out leaks, speculations, and theories. One of the most persistent rumors was that of SearchGPT, an AI-fuelled competitor to Google. 

That rumor didn’t materialize at the time. Instead, we got a new flagship model called GPT-4o and some teasers for some pretty wild voice capabilities. Fast forward to today, and OpenAI is finally ready to pull back the curtain on SearchGPT

SearchGPT is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a search engine infused with a healthy dose of the company’s GPT AI technology. It’s billed as a potentially smarter, context-aware alternative to the long-dominant Google Search. When you first boot it up, you’ll be greeted with a large text box asking, “What are you looking for?” Once you give it an answer, the app will get to work searching, but rather than returning a list of results similar to Google, SearchGPT will try to organize, summarize, and make sense of them. 

In one example, a user searches for music festivals in California during the announcement video. Once the user hits enter, SearchGPT scans the web similar to how ChatGPT does and pulls in the closest music festivals, gives each one a quick summary of what to expect and follows them up with affiliate links.

Throughout the announcement, the company stresses that SearchGPT is still only a prototype and is not quite ready for mass adoption. It’s only opening to 10,000 test users at launch. Of course, it’s using OpenAI’s suite of GPT-4 language models, and according to one representative, the company is working with third-party partners with the goal of directly integrating search into ChatGPT. 

July 25th, 2024
Airtable has launched a new feature to make building apps even easierAirtable has launched a new feature to make building apps even easier

Airtable is arguably one of the most influential product launches in the past ten years. What started as an alternative to spreadsheets quickly turned into a new way for makers and companies to quickly build apps without the need for code. Just take a look at the no-code category on Product Hunt, and you’ll see hundreds of apps using Airtable as a database. 

Now, the Airtable team is back with another launch that aims to make it even easier for users to build whatever app they need. No points for guessing that it’s AI. Cobuilder uses OpenAI’s GPT-4 family of models to handle all the heavy lifting of building apps within Airtable. What used to take potentially hours can now be done in minutes. 

It works by quickly analyzing the user’s role, the company they work for, and their specific prompt to make a number of API calls to a large-language model. For example, I could tell Airtable that I write the Product Hunt newsletter, and it could pull in data from the homepage about interesting products to write about. 

From there, it generates an app for a specific use case while adding specific features based on your profile. Once the app is generated, you can customize it further by changing the styling, updating the data, or adding features like a calendar, dashboard, gallery, etc. 

Cobuilder isn’t Airtable’s first foray into AI—the company added a number of AI features to its app-building capabilities last year and updated them as early as this March—but this is the team’s first attempt at incorporating AI into every step of the building process.

July 22nd, 2024
Dictate your work to your computerDictate your work to your computer

TalkTastic just launched a context-aware AI voice keyboard app. It works by integrating across all your macOS apps, from Slack to Messages to your browser, to not only transcribe your speech with accuracy but refine and rewrite what you say based on your screen’s context.

So imagine you’re going about your day-to-day. With Talktastic, you’d hit the little microphone button and start dictating your response back to an investor in an email. The tool will write your reply while fixing any vocal tics, adjust words for tone, and spell the names of your investors correctly. Then hop over to Slack and shoot your coworker a DM and TalkTastic adjusts for that audience and context.

July 15th, 2024

Moshi is a new AI chatbot founded by French billionaire Xavier Niel. It’s designed for hyper-human-like conversations. It comes with voice mode by default and prioritizes ultra low latency. 

ElevenLabs launched an API to compliment its Voice Isolator tool. It allows developers to easly implement the audio cleanup technology into any number of their own apps. The team even showcased how easy it is to build on top of it with Claude. 

Runway Financial came out of beta last week. Backed by Garry Tan and others to the tune of $22.7 million, Runway Financial uses AI to help you automate your startups finances and important documents. 

Sign AI is a virtual, realtime, AI-powered sign language interpreter that lives within video calls, conferences, and really anywhere it can be deployed. It’s a technological solution to the current shortage of interpreters.

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