The best social networking in 2024

Tried, tested, and reviewed by the community

eeseeSolcialWarrior Network
Multilingual Speech-to-Text API with superhuman accuracy
Most Loved Products
433 reviews
eesee is a gamified marketplace and liquidity solution designed to boost sales, increase trading volume, and reduce the cost barriers of market entry. Our platform hosts token, NFT and RWA raffles. We offer participants a low-risk opportunity to win high-value assets.
Soroosh Rabet
Parker Molley
Roney Laurent
Soroosh Rabet and 1877 others use eesee
123 reviews
Discover Fijit: #1 meme game arcade! Unwind, laugh, and compete with friends in this ultimate stress buster. Perfect for those in-between moments—traffic, bathroom breaks, or quick respites. Dive into endless fun with silly memes and serious entertainment!
Raj Kunkolienkar
Raj Kunkolienkar and 321 others use Fijit
114 reviews
Solcial is a web3 permissionless social network allowing users to be rewarded fairly for their work, and promoting freedom of speech by allowing users to interact without fearing ban or censorship.
Julien Coulaud
Rukhsar Amjad
Adontai and 240 others use Solcial
40 reviews
We hate texting song links to talk about music. So we made Anthems - a platform fueled by your Spotify data that lets you share what you stream and connect with others. Preview Anthems on web or go full sicko mode in our app.
Sean Joy
Kevin King
Meet Mistry
Sean Joy and 135 others use Anthems
Warrior Network is a revolutionary professional productivity platform for technology enthusiasts where you can share knowledge, teach, learn, meet, and be part of the world's tech database. We connect people who are passionate about productivity with the best solutions in the market to accomplish their professional and personal goals while helping others do the same. Want more? We are releasing new features every week.
Exo Cody
Don't view my new LinkedIn Profile :)
Ghost Kitty
Exo Cody and 198 others use Warrior Network
211 reviews
Clear your mind, stay organized, and be productive by simply writing *things* down. Twos is more than a notes app, *things* allow you to capture notes, todos, reminders, calendar events & lists, in one simple place. Be a better you by writing *things* down in Twos ✌️
Tracy Ingram
Andrew Brodsky
Hamza Afzal Butt and 583 others use Twos
185 reviews
Learn a skill. Learn a trade. Educate yourself and get rewarded for it in crypto and NFTs. Continuum is founded and led by self-taught creatives. We’ve personally had our lives changed by the incredible generosity of the creative community online. We built Continuum to tap into this community and give it the resources and tools it deserves. As creatives, we’ve posted millions of pieces of content — tutorials, insights, advice, resources, etc. — yet we are still operating, in our view, a globally dispersed design and business school, on various photo and video-sharing platforms. Continuum was built specifically for the creative community and our learning ecosystem. We are a curated feed of short-form content on all the topics you need to thrive as a creative in today’s digital-first world. Everything on the platform is actionable, educational, and supported by gamified learning features like rewards, notes, and quizzes.
Salar Davari
Qudsia Ali and 156 others use Continuum
28 reviews
Explore web3 feeds, personalized with friends, tastemakers & communities that matter to you. Watch NFTs, art, games & crypto trends in real-time. Show your NFT collection in your social profile and put a spotlight on your most treasured NFTs in Showcase.
Chris Williams
Gary Clayton
Matt Grella
Chris Williams and 49 others use Easy
44 reviews
SkyBucket provides an all-in-one concept platform to combine and manage all bookmarks and bucket lists from various social networks and sources by creating folders, adding descriptions and using filters and search bar.
Albert Poghosyan
Alexi Mendoza
Livia Burbulea
Albert Poghosyan and 47 others use SkyBucket
113 reviews
We're bringing the 5-minute phone call back. It's how previous generations got shit done, had time for 5 meetings before breakfast, rarely misunderstood each other, connected with the world, and called strangers for help—with energy to spare for the evening.
Dave Delaney
Dave Delaney and 196 others use Anyone