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  • What is your all time favorite quote?

    Luka Brzin
    5 replies
    Quotes are what make a lot of people feel alive, give them inspiration, make them motivated and keep the flame going. I just read a book (The Almanack of Naval Ravikant") and there are some pretty good quotes in there. I have been following Naval on Twitter for a long time and he is truly amazing and shares great advice regarding business, wealth, philosphy, health and soo on but this one quote in particular got stuck in my head. It goes like this: "To write a great book, you must first become the book." And well, no one wants to read a boring book, where the main character is on the phone all days, goes to a job he hates, does nothing all day and does not take any risks. Why am I writing this? Because I want you to take risk, to live the life you want, to say yes to new advantures, meet cool people, talk to the girl/men you want, work hard for what you want, start a business, work on the idea you have - make your life extrodinary. Think about it. Let's say you would like to write a book when you're 80 years old. Is it going to be interesting? Is it going to put you on your toes? Would you recommend it to a friend? We only have one life and we have to make it count! It's hard, we all have ups and downs but the goal is to never stop living and working hard for what we want! We got this!


    André J
    Im currently listening to a lot of Biggie classics. So for right now this has to be the: "10 crack commandments" ..but to x-rated to post them all here. 😸
    #1: “Stay hungry. Stay foolish. Never let go of your appetite to go after new ideas, new experiences, and new adventures.” ― Steve Jobs #2: “If you're going through hell, keep going” - Winston Churchill #3: "Hate the sin, love the sinner." - Mahatma Gandhi
    Gurkaran Singh
    That quote is like the secret ingredient in a recipe for an epic life adventure - you gotta become the book to write the best chapters! So, are you ready to pen down your extraordinary story and make every page worth reading?
    Aztec Elric
    "listen to what is said, not who is speaking"
    In today’s fast-paced world, we’re constantly bombarded with information and distractions, leaving us little room to pause and take stock. But what if you could reclaim your peace of mind by learn to sit back and observe. not everything need - tymoff? It’s time to discover the art of mindful reflection and embrace a more balanced, insightful approach to life.