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  • How to become irreplaceable (at work)

    Hitha Boorla
    11 replies
    Step 1=> Learn to do the bare minimum: Do exactly how much you're told, come in on time, also leave when the clock strikes. Step 2=> Do what's expected: People will not specify exactly what you're expected to do, they always expect more than what they tell you. Meet that expectation, read between the lines. Step 3=> Do what is expected, but do it your best: You're meeting the expectations but it's time to perfect what you're doing, make it your best work Step 4=> Do better than others: You've achieved your best, now do it better than others. Step 5=> Take up more responsibility: Do more than than what's expected, do it well Step 6=> Be able to do everything: know everything, learn everything, understand the inner workings, be able to contribute to every step of the process Step 7=> Become essential: take responsibility for more than what you signed up for, more than what is expected. Contribute to every aspect, when you do it well enough, you become essential. Step 8=> Become irreplaceable: You now have your hands in every aspect of the process. You're doing it well. With enough time, it will become impossible to replace you.


    john milton
    I like your approach! Another key is to be proactive in identifying and solving problems before they become major issues.
    Iris Matt
    great steps! I'd also emphasize continuous learning. Staying updated with industry trends can make you a go-to person for new insights.
    Jordan bulk
    Excellent steps! I’d add that mentoring others can also make you irreplaceable. Sharing knowledge builds a stronger team.
    jusiy Waller
    Great list! Don't forget the power of networking. Building a strong internal network can amplify your impact.
    Keira Stump
    Your steps are spot on! I'd also suggest regularly seeking feedback to continuously improve and adapt.
    Kathe Jordan
    Love this roadmap! One more thing, being adaptable to change and quick to pivot when needed is invaluable.
    Great strategy! Always being reliable and consistent in your performance builds trust and dependability.
    Victor Crum
    Spot on! I'd suggest always staying curious and asking questions to deepen your understanding.
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    Amard Sonal
    Great list! Taking the time to understand the company’s bigger picture and goals can align your efforts with high-impact results.
    Abhra Ch.
    @hitha_boorla This is such a great step-by-step guide on how to become indispensable at work! 😍 The progression from doing the basics to becoming irreplaceable is very insightful. It's a fantastic reminder that going above and beyond can truly set you apart. Thanks for sharing these tips! 😊