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  • What is the most rewarding yet basic experience you had recently?

    As a solo founder with a bootstrapped mental health tech company, I've realised life doesn't always have to be heated and fast paced and you can stop and enjoy the smaller things in life to the fullest. It has helped me realise you don't have to be struggling always and though a very common thought coming to the realisation myself was both intense and rewarding. Share yours! from a good cup of coffee to get ready for the week on a Monday morning to a good glass of wine whatever you enjoyed this week!


    Gurkaran Singh
    I recently discovered the pure joy of savoring a perfectly brewed cup of coffee on a quiet Sunday morning - it's like hitting the "refresh" button for the soul! How about you, any simple pleasures lighting up your days lately?
    Kostya Bolshukhin
    One of the first organic lead from being active on Linkedin That felt great!
    I feel that feeding stray animals and seeing them smile brings a priceless joy that surpasses any reward 🥹
    Akaash Emmanuel Raj Caralapati Anandaraj
    @pari_pushpakar i know how this sounds but that’s one thing i miss from back home. Strays! Although cruel that they’ve been abandoned I love those sweet moments most people get to share with them!
    CY Zhou
    One of the most rewarding yet basic experiences I've had recently was taking a quiet walk in the park and appreciating nature. It reminded me of the simple joys in life that we often overlook.
    It's wonderful to hear about your realization and how you are finding joy in the little things in life! Taking the time to appreciate the small moments can truly make a big difference in our overall well-being. Keep savoring those simple pleasures and allowing yourself to slow down and really soak them in. We are building a marketing AI called Contentify AI. It's free and easy to set up. Check out the "Launching soon"
    Lorenz Sell
    Taking care of my dad who's in a wheel chair and needs a lot of assistance.
    Akaash Emmanuel Raj Caralapati Anandaraj
    @lorenzsell I feel like calling it noble is a disrespect to the love you must have for him. Respect 💯
    Isaac Henry Gallagher
    Definitely taking a walk outside and feeling the warm sun on my face. It's the simple things that bring such joy and peace, especially when working hard as a solo founder. Just taking a break to soak in nature puts everything in perspective. Also catching up with an old friend over a delicious meal - connecting and laughing together is so rejuvenating for the soul.