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  • Do you like to write poems or story or moments ✍️??

    Priyanka Saini
    74 replies
    We’re excited to launch the Natomic App this week on Product Hunt! Natomic is designed for: ✍️ Journaling your thoughts, poems, or anything you want to capture in words 🎯 Setting and tracking your goals 💡 Boosting your productivity by 3x https://www.producthunt.com/posts/natomic We hope you find it useful, and we’d greatly appreciate your support on launch day. Thank you!


    Aayaz Gul
    I prefer writing short stories. I enjoy creating entire worlds and characters, even if they’re just for a few pages. It’s a great way to escape and explore different perspectives.
    Priyanka Saini
    @aayaz_gul I can relate, Aayaz! I used to do the same, but now I just write one line a day, not full stories. I miss that. I love writing stories the way you described—creating characters and getting totally lost in the narrative, exploring different perspectives. Wow! Thanks for sharing. :)
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    Regarding to newsletter – I need to stick to a shorter form but if it was totally up to me, I would write very long stories. I prefer medium-sized content when consuming. But it depends on social media. If the story behind is very interesting, I am vulnerable to reading very long posts.
    Priyanka Saini
    @busmark_w_nika I totally get it—finding the right balance can be tricky. Medium-sized content is a sweet spot for me too, but a great story can definitely keep me hooked, no matter the length! I also sometimes write long stories to describe the scenario in detail, like a writer. :D
    Business Marketing with Nika
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    minimalist phone: creating folders
    @priyanka27 I think that your benefit (with content) is that you can also add cure illustrations so you enrich the message overall :)
    Priyanka Saini
    @busmark_w_nikaYes, that's true, Nika. I created illustrations for the blogs as well to make them more interesting and attention-grabbing.
    Udaya Sri
    A mix of all three, depending on how I’m feeling.
    Priyanka Saini
    @udaya_sri this is nice!! :) have you ever shared your poems or any story online??
    Udaya Sri
    @priyanka27 I've been thinking about this for a while, but I haven't found the courage to start because I'm not very consistent with writing.
    Priyanka Saini
    @udaya_sri We’ve just launched Natomic, a simple app designed to help you build the habit of writing just one line a day. Hope you’ll give it a try! https://www.producthunt.com/post...
    Udaya Sri
    @priyanka27 Sure. I'll give it a try
    Shiva Tejasvi
    I mostly write moments and stories, how about you?
    Priyanka Saini
    @shiva_tejasvi This is beautiful 😍. I also love writing down special moments and lessons from my life experiences.
    Priyanka Saini
    @shiva_tejasvi We’ve just launched Natomic, a simple app designed to help you build the habit of writing just one line a day. Hope you’ll give it a try! https://www.producthunt.com/post...
    Ayaz Akram
    I love to right story because my life is a big story.
    Priyanka Saini
    @ayaz_akram I love this line!! you definitely a writer!! :)
    Robin Prime
    I love writing poems! It’s such a great way to express feelings and capture moments. Do you have a favorite topic or style you like to write about?
    Priyanka Saini
    @robin_primeBeautiful! I used to write poems in my childhood—that was my way of expressing feelings and emotions. It’s a shame I didn’t continue the habit. I participated in a lot of poem competitions and received quite a bit of appreciation. Later, I shifted to writing stories, mostly based on my real-life experiences. Writing became a way to release my stress and emotions onto paper. I love describing scenarios in a poetic way—it’s become my style (you can say). 😇:)
    Maddilene John
    I find that capturing special moments in writing can be really rewarding.
    Priyanka Saini
    @maddi_lene_ Absolutely!!
    Vimal Kumar
    I do have a page for the quotes I write. Have a look https://www.instagram.com/wise_k...
    Priyanka Saini
    @vimal_kumar_rai Followed, Vimal! It’s a beautiful page—I love the quotes collection. Natomic also has an Instagram page; if you get time, please have a look. Tomorrow, our team is launching a journal-related product—hope you’ll check it out! https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
    Vimal Kumar
    @priyanka27 I will check it for sure !! Thanks for following me.
    Writing stories is so much fun! I enjoy creating characters and weaving plots.
    Priyanka Saini
    @pris_cillalvy you sound like film writer Priscilla! :) I like it. :D
    Aleksander Brousseau
    I jot down moments to remember the little things.
    Priyanka Saini
    @aleksander_brousseau Nice Aleksander!!! Tomorrow our team launching product related to writing/journal if you get some time please have a look. thanks :) https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
    mini addison
    I love writing stories. It’s my escape. What do you like to write?
    Priyanka Saini
    @mini_addison Nice. I like to write poems and stories both. :)
    Eoin Bishop
    I keep a journal of daily moments.
    Priyanka Saini
    @eoin_bishop Beautiful Eoin!!! Tomorrow our team launching product related to writing/journal if you get some time please have a look. thanks :) https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
    Indu Thangamuthu
    Based on mindset..all 3.
    Priyanka Saini
    @indu_thangamuthu hahaha Yeah!!
    Lisa Stanley
    I enjoy writing poems and stories. It’s a good way to clear my mind. Do you find it helpful too?
    Priyanka Saini
    @lisa_stanley Oh, absolutely, Lisa! I do the same, which is why I asked this question in the discussion to see how many others do as well. Because of this, our team also created a simple yet elegant app for jotting down all your thoughts.Tomorrow, if you get some time please have a look. thanks :)https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
    Mitchell Marshall
    I’m into poems. They’re great for capturing feelings. Anyone else?
    Priyanka Saini
    @mitchell_marshall1 Nice Mitchell!! here are so many into poem including myself!! :)
    Mary Mayo
    I write short stories for fun.
    Priyanka Saini
    @mary_mayo Amazing Mary!!! do you have any favourite??
    Noora Mccluskey
    I love writing poems. It’s my way of expressing emotions that are hard to put into regular words.
    Priyanka Saini
    @noora_mccluskey Amazing! Just from this sentence, I can tell you must be a great poet. Do you have any online collections where I can read your poetry?
    I do enjoying writing poems and capturing moments. By the way Natomic seems like a great tool for organizing and tracking those creative ideas and goals.
    Priyanka Saini
    @kim_hijon Hey thanks Kim!!! Tomorrow, our team is launching a journal-related product—hope you'll check it out. Thanks again for sharing your experience! https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
    Emmanuel Tayo Odekunle
    Sure I write poems. Want to read some? @priyanka27
    Priyanka Saini
    @emmanuel_odekunle Yes Emmanuel!! :)
    Emmanuel Tayo Odekunle
    @priyanka27 send me a message on whatsapp via +2349151294786
    Elido Dial
    I'm a fan of writing poems and capturing special moments.
    Priyanka Saini
    @elido_dial Wow, Elido! We’ve just launched Natomic, a simple app designed to help you build the habit of writing just one line a day. Hope you’ll give it a try! https://www.producthunt.com/post...