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  • Wondercraft


    An AI powered audio studio
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    What do people think of Wondercraft?

    The community submitted 41 reviews to tell us what they like about Wondercraft, what Wondercraft can do better, and more.
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    5/5All time (41 reviews)
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    41 Reviews
    Malcolm Dewey
    1 review
    Tried out the voices and they are high quality. Regarding publishing can I link up to my existing podcast on Spotify and publish direct to it or must I download the episode and publish it separately?
    Dimitris Nikolaou
    You publish directly no need to download. Detailed instructions here: https://www.wondercraft.ai/post/... but in short you can use the RSS feed that you generate on the platform to link up with Spotify.
    Troy Keyze


    2 reviews
    must have
    Paul Vidal
    Software engineer
    1 review
    This product blew me away the first time I tried it, and it keeps blowing away everyone I show it to :) I can't wait to see where you'll end up, team, keep pushing 👊🔥
    W. Brendan Waller
    1 review
    I came across Wondercraft when looking into text-to-voice AI tools, and although I never had thought of generating a podcast from my content, I tried it out. Initially, I tested the free account and was blown away. I decided to up my trial to their Creator plan and experiment with synthesizing my own voice – and I was shocked at how realistic it seemed (and how boring a voice I have) Great team, fast response to my questions. Keep it up Wondercraft!
    Susan Wheeler-Hall
    Web Design, Online Learning Tech
    4 reviews
    Wondercraft is well, …wonderful. I use it with a cloned version of my voice for short podcast episodes. It is very easy to use and the support from @dimitris_nikolaou_ is remarkable. Really good product.
    Yasser Tsikhlakis

    Founder & Leadership

    1 review
    Congrats on the launch @dimitris_nikolaou_ & @youssef_rizk2! Super cool product that's a game changer for anyone trying to get professional content out there.
    Tomáš Blaťák
    5 reviews
    Wondercraft AI is amazing, we used that for video manuals voiceover the results are really great. Last year for the video tutorial we hired a native speaker, now we accomplish everything with Wondercraft AI. It is time-efficient, cost-efficient, and great, nothing to add.
    Juicebox (YC S22)
    4 reviews
    This looks incredible! Are you focused on specific verticals within podcasting? I know you mentioned a few stand out use cases, but I'd be curios to learn if there's a vertical e.g. education that you've seen the highest usage in? Congrats on the launch.
    Yoftahe Shimelis
    1 review
    I think it is interesting, this AI will be better that 50% of podcast hosts in under three years
    Franz Wiesbauer
    1 review
    I absolutely LOVE Wondercraft. It's one of the most exciting and useful new content creation tools in my belt. It allows me to create high-quality podcasts in 10% of the time it would normally take me. Totally recommended!!