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This is a launch from Thriverapp
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Live your best life.
Thriverapp™ is your ultimate life list, enabling you to create and live your best life. Model habits, routines, resources and life systems that work for the Thriverapp community and 'Thriverapp Heroes' like Tim Ferriss, Arianna Huffington and Tony Robbins.
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Egor Komarov
"This app is incompatible with all of your devices." Huawei P30 pro WTF (((
Jeremy Horne
@komarovegor thanks for having a crack at installing Thriverapp - we've spent the past few months squashing bugs across a bunch of devices so that's pity to see you ran straight into a brick wall on the P30 pro, but thanks for letting me know ... we're on the case!
Jeremy Horne
G'day Makers! Were excited (and a little bit nervous) to reveal Thriverapp to world ... or at least the Product Hunt community. This is an idea that started to form several years ago from listening to Podcasts, reading books (and summaries like Blinkist), or just coming across super useful tips and suggestions that we wanted to not just bookmark, but embed into our lives. Around the same time, we found we were using mainstream social channels less and less, frustrated with all of the 'noise' that distracted us from the content and people that mattered most in our lives. So we set to building an App that would support a community of people who we'd love to 'hang out' with, and where everyone can easily share tips, techniques, recommendations ... anything that helps them to be their best and get the most out of life. As you explore the community and the 'Inspiration feed' you can quickly add anything that resonates with you to your own Thriver List, and start to build your ultimate life list - that's all the things that really do help you to live your best life. This is version 1 and we have a long list of ideas to improve the user experience (starting with an item search), but before we get busy with new features we'd love to hear your feedback and make sure we're on the right track. Thanks for the support and happy Thrive'n! Jeremy & Gareth Thriverapp Co-founders
Egor Komarov
Not availible in my Country ( Ukriane ) :((
Jeremy Horne
@komarovegor not yet ... give us a month or so and we'll have you covered! Really appreciate you making the effort to check it out though.
Jeremy Horne
Hey @komarovegor, we've just released an updated version, so give it another try and let me know how you get on.
Jeremy Horne
A very BIG thank you to everyone who has taken the time to check out Thriverapp and for all the upvotes. If you're using the App let us know what you like / don't like so that we can focus our updates on the stuff that matters most. Cheers!
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Design and live your best life
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Thriverapp by was hunted by in Android, iOS, Productivity. Made by and . Featured on November 22nd, 2019. is rated 5/5 ★ by 2 users. This is Thriverapp's first launch.
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Design and live your best life
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What is Thriverapp?

Thriver is an App based community with an AI life-coach to help people live their best lives.

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Thriverapp Live your best life.

Launched on November 22nd, 2019

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