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  • Alternatives for subscriptions - what is your ~alternative~ pricing strategy?

    Robin P.
    12 replies
    I feel like we're getting to the point of subscription fatigue and I'm interested to hear about alternative pricing strategies that might be a good replacement for the typical monthly subscription/annual discount strategy.


    Scott Todd
    I love the idea of a freemium model with optional add-ons. It lets users enjoy basic features for free and gives them the choice to pay for extra perks when they’re ready.
    Benson Gao
    Could you consider a pay-as-you-go option or a one-time purchase?
    Simon Peter Damian
    At FlashAppy.ai we have experimented with a number of options 1. Credit based; where users can buy credits and top as they see fit 2. Subscription; whether monthly, quarterly, bi-annually or yearly 3. LTD; where users pay a one time fee The best option depends on a number of factors. Like infrastructure costs, unit economics, the type of business you want to build, the customer perceived value, etc.
    Anish Hessa
    . freemium models still work well.offer basic feture for free,nd charge for premium features or extra storage.
    Miele brown
    consider offering a life time deal. It gives customers the value they want upfront without recurring fees, and it helps you generate immediate revenue.
    Leslie Conner
    microtransactions could be an option.small,one time purchase for specific features or content can work in certain industries
    Samuel Parker
    Freemium model with optional premium upgrades works well - give basic functionality for free to remove friction and get users invested, then upsell them on advanced features through one-time purchases or subscriptions. A la carte pricing for specific add-ons also an option vs all-or-nothing subscriptions. Key is providing clear value to justify any recurring charges.
    Gwendolyn Kira
    I was reflecting lately about a pay-per-use model. It really seems that this is how users shall be allowed to pay only for what they will need.
    Jack Hayes
    I think a loyalty program could make a big difference! Rewarding long-term users with discounts or exclusive features might create a more engaging experience.
    Nylah Cook
    Pay per use could be a great alternative! Users only pay for what they actually use, no need for onogoing subscription
    Ivan Chavez
    how about one time purchase with optional paid updates or add ons? the gives users the choice to invest more if they want new features
    Ieuan Ayala
    I’ve seen some companies use tiered pricing based on usage or features. It’s a nice middle ground between pay per use and subscriptions.