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What do people think of MadKudu?

The community submitted 39 reviews to tell us what they like about MadKudu, what MadKudu can do better, and more.
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39 Reviews
Liam Boogar
Co-Founder, WayPoint AI.
9 reviews
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MadKudu + Zapier is an early stage marketing team's dream: personalized automation for your best leads. Couldn't recommend this more for teams looking to focus on their bets leads throughout the funnel.
guillaume cabane
Growth Advisor | Speaker
4 reviews
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Madkudu’s scoring is so good, they got Hubspot to support it for their customers

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Explaining how the fit score is defined would be great to educate free users on scoring, push them to ask themselves the right questions and raise progressively a stronger need.

Olof Mathé
Co-founder & CEO,
4 reviews
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critical part of the stack here at @mixmaxhq . Congrats on the release!
Demand Gen and Growth Marketing
2 reviews
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I own Marketing Ops and Digital Marketing at Algolia and implemented MadKudu about 2 years ago (before it was cool ;)). We are using MadKudu to prioritize leads during the Marketing/Sales hand off process. We are also using it more and more to provide our users that "Michelin starred" level of engagement.

Taft Love
Taft Love
Head of Sales Development at PandaDoc
1 review
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This is really cool! I love the idea of getting a lead score before pushing it into a tool. Feels like a great way to make routing even smarter!
Raluca Neagu
1 review
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I've been using MadKudu for a few months now and the google sheets addition is super useful. it allows me to instantly check if the leads i'm getting are suitable for my company, thus I can make an instant evaluation of my campaigns and initiatives. really happy with the product.
Avi Kaye
Avi Kaye
Gamer, entrepreneur, father of 3
1 review
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Been using the Google Sheets add on for a month or so now - does exactly what is says on the box, and more :) Makes it super easy to see what leads you really want to contact, what leads you should start sending a drip campaign to, and even what leads you should never ever contact again. If you're looking for a lead scoring platform that has both a great service and a great team, MadKudu should be on the top of your list.
Liam Boogar
Co-Founder, WayPoint AI.
9 reviews
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Colette Nataf
2 reviews
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I work with the growth team at Drift running and optimizing paid ads. We use MadKudu to estimate the expected value per lead. We optimize towards this value, which helps us make sure we're driving quality traffic to the site.
