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  • Two types of Founders/CEOs

    Vertika Nigam
    22 replies
    There's always a difference between products that have the CEO with a marketing background, and others that have the CEO as a development background. (there are others too, but let's just keep this conversation focused on these two) Can you tell what it is? ____________ P.S. We're launching cxful - the UIUX suite and design system for complete and functional website experiences. Would love to have your support!


    Konrad S.
    Interesting question. Do you have lists of some popular products for each category?
    Tyrone Robb
    Launching soon!
    The ability to build the product without outside help?
    Elaine Lu
    I completely agree, Vertika. The type of founder/CEO you are can significantly shape the trajectory and culture of your startup.
    @elaineluyi Yes! So, what do you think is the difference between these two?
    I don't like managing people, but I enjoy building a product.
    I have experience in both fields, including a strong background in UI/UX, which allows me to connect all the dots and make better decisions when building my products.
    Founders and CEOs with a marketing background tend to prioritize customer acquisition, brand awareness, and market positioning. They understand the importance of messaging, user experience, and branding in order to connect with the target audience and drive sales. On the other hand, CEOs with a development background often focus on product functionality, innovation, and technical aspects. They are driven by creating cutting-edge solutions, optimizing processes, and ensuring that the product meets high standards of quality. We are building a marekting Contentify AI for Free here just look up Contentify AI
    Prem Saini
    Yes, Vertika, I agree. There are always going to be differences. For example, a creator with a marketing background may seek for features that encourage user engagement and virality while designing something. However, a CEO with experience in programming might advocate for things that thrill other developers or tech aficionados. Which type of a CEO are you?
    @prem_saini1 Exactly the difference! Companies having leadership bent towards something display their move into the market accordingly. For example, the marketing messages used on the website, social and other channels of the company that has a development-background CEO, will have too many jargons, complicated language, etc. But you will not see this publicly if that company is lucky to have good marketers in their team who have a say in what goes out and what not. Well, I've been a marketer most of my career, and have blended experience design gradually. So that's what my service company and the product are all about. It's all connected :)
    Michael Pell
    Real Mock Interviews
    Ideate -> Validate -> Build vs Build -> Validate
    Mary Angelie Smith
    Totally agree, Vertika. Do you think it's easier for a marketing CEO to learn tech, or for a tech CEO to learn marketing?
    @angeliesmith_ I believe, one doesn't need to "learn" a whole new craft. Hire the right people and teams who complement your skills, and let them do their job, trust them. Nothing wrong with learning each other's thing, but that will just delay everything for the company as a whole.
    "The thing is, you can’t live in your potential" suggests that merely having potential is not enough; you must actively pursue and realize it. Potential represents unutilized abilities and talents, but without action, it remains just that—unfulfilled possibility. To live a meaningful and successful life, one must take deliberate steps to harness and actualize their potential through hard work, dedication, and perseverance. It's a reminder that success and achievement come from effort and application, not from latent capability alone. Therefore, to truly live up to one's potential, one must set goals, make plans, and take consistent actions toward achieving them. For more visit our site https://www.roofersgreenvillenc....
    Rahul Agarwal
    Interesting, can you give some examples from both the categories to help us brainstorm?
    Gurkaran Singh
    Ah, the classic tale of the marketing maestro vs. the coding connoisseur! One crafts captivating narratives, while the other weaves intricate algorithms. It's like watching a battle between words and lines of code, with the website as the ultimate arena!
    @thestarkster Did you write this yourself? Quite flowery! But correct, nonetheless.
    Elaine Lu
    I completely agree, Vertika! Understanding the distinction between these two types can significantly impact a company's strategy and growth.
    Sales-Led Approach & Product-led approach to building the company, I suppose?