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  • Ready To Launch - How do you know?

    Faisal Ishaque
    4 replies
    How do you know that your product is ready to launch on ProductHunt? 1. Do you have a checklist? 2. Does it depend upon whether it is a first-time launch or relaunching a pre-launched product? 3. Does it depend upon the goals you want to achieve with the launch? 4. Is it simply the difference between mustering that little bit of courage to push Launch Now? 5. Or it could be multiple factors at play simultaneously. What do you say?


    Jessica Young
    I'd say a combination of factors determine launch readiness: 1) Having a core set of well-tested key features that deliver value. 2) Confidence that you can handle an influx of new users without major issues. 3) A go-to-market plan with clear goals. 4) Excitement and belief in what you've built. It's natural to be nervous, but trust your process. If you've put in the work, validated your idea, incorporated feedback, and feel you have something compelling - it's probably time to take the leap! Launching is just the start of the journey. You got this!
    Faisal Ishaque
    Hey @jessicayoungq that is a great list a confidence booster! For me especially point no. 2 was a great reminder, thanks!
    Karen Anderson
    Definitely a combo of things for me: 1) Core functionality is polished with no major bugs 2) Completed essential onboarding flows and help docs 3) Have a launch day marketing plan ready to go. But sometimes you just gotta push through the nerves and ship it! Easier said than done though, I know. Having a pre-launch checklist helps a ton.
    Faisal Ishaque
    Thanks @karenanderson . . . definitely, completing the essential onboarding flows leaves you with a peace of mind! I was also thinking about the goals one may have while launching on PH. Some launch after their product is all set and needs a boost. Some launch when their product is raw and want to validate their idea.