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  • AI Lowers The Purchase Intent, Consumers Are Turned Off By AI: study reveals

    Faisal Ishaque
    1 reply
    I've been in love with the recent boom of AI. Especially when ChatGPT turned everything we knew around. I was excited about the possibilities the future held, and unsure about the disruption it would bring. Nonetheless, I was looking forward to it. Soon, however, every article I read, every product I loved, and every person I knew talked about one thing only. AI. That's when I heard a founder say that startups nowadays are crazy about AI but don't have and don't focus on the underlying business model. The core that would generate revenue, is missing. This hit me hard. Since then, I have focused on building a strong product and utilizing AI only where it makes sense. No stuffing. I would love to hear the thoughts of the PH Community on this.