Do you run paid advertisements on social media to promote your product?

Rupal Saini
50 replies
If so, which platforms do you find most effective, and what types of ads have worked best for you?


Alexandra Goss
Boosted posts are often a way to go, especially on LinkedIn
Rupal Saini
@alex_skazka, are you running ads on LinkedIn to boost post views and engagement? I found LinkedIn ads to be expensive and not providing value for the investment. Can you share what's working for you?
Alexandra Goss
@rupal_saini sure! I boost Company Page posts with average daily budget of ~$25 Have tried various Goals, and for my client,Engagements and Website Visits seem to work pretty well in terms of conversions
Yvik Ye
Launching soon!
@alex_skazka Any tips to share? Thanks
Natalia Toth
I normally first publish an organic post on LinkedIn, check the CTR and the Engagement rate on it 1 day later, and if it's good, I boost the post
Moaz Ahmad
Launching soon!
Haven't really done so but its a good idea if you don't have a team to manage your PH launch, I would prefer Linkedin for this, but you would also need to know how to run Linkedin ads for that.
Rupal Saini
@moaz_ahmad1, exactly. LinkedIn ads are a bit tricky; only when done properly can they yield good results.
Zaheer Khan
We advertise on Facebook, IG and YouTube. Video ads and carousel ads give us the best results.
Rupal Saini
@zaheer_khan6, what kind of video ads are you running? Are you sharing product-related content or thought leadership pieces?
Robert Pim
Yes we do. FB, IG and LinkedIn are our main platforms
Rupal Saini
@robert_pim, which one is bringing the best results?
Yvik Ye
Launching soon!
@robert_pim What about tiktok?
Steve Weatherby
Mostly I run ads on TikTok and Instagram.
Rupal Saini
@steve_weatherby, what are the results? Are they working well for the goals you are aiming to achieve?
Sophia Gartner
I mostly use facebook, instagram and twitter X for paid advertisements.
Rupal Saini
@sophia_gartner, which one is working best for you?
Tanya Sharath
Yes, we run paid ads on social media. Facebook and Instagram work best for us. Carousel ads showing off our features have been great.
Sharon Workman
LinkedIn and Pinterest work best for paid ads
Rupal Saini
@sharon_workman Interesting, on what type of content you run ads on LinkedIn?
Tim David
I mostly run videos ads on YouTube
Rupal Saini
@tim_david12, are you getting qualified leads from this?
Thomas Hansen
A discussion on the effectiveness of paid advertisements for product promotion.
Thomas Hansen
Yes, running paid advertisements on social media can be an effective way to reach a larger audience. We just launched our product today and would love for you to follow us and try it out with a 7-day free trial.
Steven Granata
Yes, we do. Facebook and Instagram work best for us.
Eric Cheng
You can first try to see the organic traffic. If that doesn't work well, you can try to boost the posts or videos.
Kate Sleeman
We use paid ads. Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest work best. Carousel ads and promoted pins are our top performers. What’s your strategy?
Keira Stump
Yes, we run ads. Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest work well for us. Carousel ads and promoted pins are top performers.
Siri Nana
Yep, we do use paid ads. Facebook and Instagram are our go-tos
Kimberly West
We run paid ads on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. Carousel ads and short videos perform best.
Kimberly West
Yes, we run ads. Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok work well for us. Carousel ads and short video ads are top performers.
Kimberly West
We advertise on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Video ads and carousel ads give us the best results.