Claudia Vaduvescu

Claudia Vaduvescu

Creative Director @ GOODGLYPH
32 points
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Claudia Vaduvescu
Claudia Vaduvescu
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For me it's subscription-based
Bud Broesky
What pricing model do you prefer for products you use?
Claudia Vaduvescu
Claudia Vaduvescu
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My own limitations πŸ˜„ that take time and understanding to solve
Tim Bridges
What is stopping you from achieving your dreams?
Claudia Vaduvescu
Claudia Vaduvescu
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UI is the design system, and UX is the user navigation πŸ˜„
Lalesultan Güneş
What are the differences among UX and UI?
Lalesultan Güneş
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Claudia Vaduvescu
Claudia Vaduvescu
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What challenges did you face during the development process, and how did you overcome them?

What challenges did the team face during the development process, and how did they overcome them? We're always looking for ways to improve our own products and projects, so hearing about the challenges and solutions from other creators is really valuable. Plus, it's interesting to see how other people approach and solve problems. Feel free to share as much as you'd like. πŸ˜„
Claudia Vaduvescu
Claudia Vaduvescu
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Writing consistently
Henry Miller
​What new habits would you like to cultivate in 2023?​
Claudia Vaduvescu
Claudia Vaduvescu
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Around 10, I'm pretty proud of that
Nihal Kothiyal
How many books you've read in 2022?
Nihal Kothiyal
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Claudia Vaduvescu
Claudia Vaduvescu
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You can also try πŸ˜„ it's an amazing resource when used right
Shailja dwivedi
How do you generate ideas for your next Digital Product?
Shailja dwivedi
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Claudia Vaduvescu
Claudia Vaduvescu
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I prefer twitter. πŸ˜„
Which is better WhatsApp or twitter?
Claudia Vaduvescu
Claudia Vaduvescu
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2022 is almost over - What's one thing you're most proud of accomplishing this year?

Believe it or not, there are only two weeks left in 2022. With everything going on and despite how crazy things are getting, take a moment of reflection and think about one thing you're grateful for accomplishing this year. It can be small or big, career or personal related, anything that meant something to you.
Claudia Vaduvescu
Claudia Vaduvescu
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Take a break. Seeing the big picture can work wonders. Also, a nap helps.
Franziska Kroll
Feel like a fraud sometimes? How do you overcome imposter syndrome?
Franziska Kroll
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