Launched on July 6th, 2021
Launched on August 26th, 2020
Create professional, customizable buyer personas in minutes with the help of our intuitive free generator. Make My Persona guides you through strategic questions designed to help you better organize your buyer persona research. Upon completion, you're presented with an editable, shareable document highlighting important details about your audience.
Get marketing and sales software, education, and support at a startup-friendly cost. Get 90% off HubSpot software for eligible startups with under $2 million in funding and 50% off HubSpot software for all eligible startups with over $2 million in funding.
I can talk about inbound marketing and Hubspot for days but this is one of the few softwares that does it all. If you're considering this I recommend getting Inbound certified and then when you get the product getting Hubspot certified to learn everything you need to know.
Startups, of course, never have enough hours in the day, but with HubSpot, your hours go a lot further. I can create a landing page in an hour, which is insanely helpful for me, and also my development team as I no longer have to pull them away from product to help me out. You can automates (almost) all of your marketing activities: email, social, campaigns, workflows, lead scoring, and even tie in ads!