Launched on December 16th, 2019
Sygic Maps displays places of interest directly on the map. Thanks to its integrated itinerary maker, you can build a day-by-day trip plan or just save interesting places for later. The website also features a travel guide for more than 10,000 destinations, photo galleries, 360° videos, hotel search, recommended tours and web route planner.
With Sygic Travel API you can design your own travel website from scratch or get comprehensive data relevant for travelers and use it in your existing project. It provides access to 20 million points of interest, 2 million hotels, 70,000 tours or thousands of 360° videos from the whole world.
Just yesterday I was looking for a new maps alternative to try and break away from Google. I stumbled upon Sygic but didn't give it a fair shot so now that it's here I tried again and I have to say, it's better than I expected. I am currently travelling in Slovenia so I guess it's not the most used country for the moment. Anyhow, there are quite a few things that I like but I think there's definitely room for improvement. I would love to be able to see a satellite view(I use it often to know if where I'm going there's parking or other features that are not on the map), it's important that I can at least suggest adding/removing tags. Here many waterfalls are categorised only as that, while I think they should have at least the sightseeing tag too. It's the first tag in your search box, if I use it and this great places don't appear I will just think that you are very bad and move on(that's what happened yesterday). Reviewing is as painless as it gets which is nice.
Last but quite amazing if possible, would be a way to import lists from google maps or other services. I have over 600 stars on google maps which make it quite complex to move away. Having an export would be great too.
First installed it in 2012, the first route was a big deviation. Uninstalled it immediately. Yesterday (6 years later) installed it again and today uninstalled it. The looks are great, but it makes to many mistakes. 7 within 4km: 1.wants me to go in a street that's closed because of a new sewer (1 or 2 months already). 2.the next street is missing on the map. That's why I must turn. 3. On a main street I must go right to take a street just for bikes. 4. Sygic tell me to go across a parking lot because it's shorter (but much longer. Glad I didn't have my Mobil home with me). 5.Sygic wants me to drive into a one way street, that's not allowed for me. 6. It wants me to take the bus lane and 7. It tells me that close to a roundabout is a Speedcam. But there hasn't been one, never. This all happens within 10 minutes in 3 to 4 kms. I am cured and try Sygic in 2024 again.