12min is an app with summaries of the best nonfiction books, that can be read or listened in about 12 minutes. Our primary goal is to help you to develop the reading habit and take it to the next level. That's why we offer free and unlimited reading. You can develop the reading habit, learn new things, prioritise your next books to read.
I use 12min daily to filter and prioritize my future readings. Using 12min and a Kindle made my reading routine faster and more efficient, since I don't need to read 30%+ of a book to discover that it doesn't cover the information I needed at the moment. Now I have a Trello board to control my past and future readings and this keeps me updated to the market. Awesome app!
A daily app to keep you up to date about your readings. Awesome to avoid wasting time with chapters and subjects that doesn't matter in a particular book and focus only in the most important parts. Highly recommended.