Which product do you use for business analytics?

Gaurav Goyal
68 replies
Share what all products do you use for business/data analytics.


Ariel Orbach
Business analytics is essential to any successful company, as it allows you to make data-driven decisions that can help improve your business operations and drive growth πŸ“ˆ. To create a data-driven culture within your organization, it's important to use a mix of products and infrastructure to gather and analyze relevant data πŸ’». One important aspect of this is having a centralized data warehouse where you can store and analyze your data from various platforms 🏬. Options for data warehouses include BigQuery and Redshift, as well as cloud-based solutions like Snowflake πŸŒͺ️. To visualize and make sense of the data, you can use tools like Tableau, Looker, and Qlik Sense πŸ“Š. In addition to your data warehouse, you should consider integrating other platforms that can provide valuable insights for your business 🀝. These might include attribution tools like Hubspot, Pipedrive, or AppsFlyer, media and social platforms like Facebook and Google, and product analytics tools like MixPanel or Amplitude. Suppose you have a small startup and don't have the resources for a full-scale data infrastructure. In that case, you can also consider using a SaaS platform like Databox to help with your business analytics needs πŸ’°. To learn more about creating a data-driven culture in your organization, you might find it helpful to check out the "Bigbrain Monday" YouTube video πŸ“Ί, which provides valuable insights and best practices for data analysis and visualization. And if you're interested in a step-by-step guide to planning and delivering on your business analytics goals, let me know, and I'll write an article on the topic πŸ“.
Shivi Goel
I have used Tableau but I am not a big fan.
Saurabh Wadhawan
Redash, mode analytics, AWS Quicksight
Matt Li
Right now, Mixpanel for my iOS app.
Gaurav Goyal
@mattli Nice. How is your experience with Mixpanel? We have just started using it.
Shi Ling
I'm using Segment for data collection + MixPanel for product usage analytics at @ui_licious. I've tried a couple of different data analysis and visualization tools before, but MixPanel is the easiest to use so far for me and my marketing team. I also use ProfitWell for SaaS business analytics, integrated with Stripe, to study our revenue growth, retention, and churn. ProfitWell is also free for all the basic and important types of analysis.
Gaurav Goyal
@ui_licious @taishiling Profitwell seems interesting. Does it provide you better analytics than Stripe?
Shi Ling
@ui_licious @gauravgoyal_gg Yea, Stripe analytics is quite basic. To name a few things you can do with ProfitWell is that you can get a view of an individual customer and see MRR changes over time as a chart, you can segment customers and analyse MRR changes within a segment. Plus because we also have large enterprise customers that pay manually outside Stripe, I could manually add that data point to ProfitWell to get a more complete picture of the business.
Gaurav Goyal
@ui_licious @taishiling Awesome. I am adding it to my list. @saurabhwadhawan Check this out.
Saurabh Wadhawan
@ui_licious @taishiling @gauravgoyal_gg This seems very interesting! Getting this setup now
There are many different products available that can help you to analyze your business and identify areas where improvements could be made. For example, Google Analytics offers data on traffic sources, demographics, etc., while Mixpanel allows you to track user behavior and customer satisfaction in real time. Another popular product is Kissmetrics. This platform helps businesses measure marketing performance such as email open rates, click-through rates (CTRs), social media engagement metrics, lead generation efforts etc. It also provides valuable insights into how budgeted resources were used and whether changes should be made to the marketing strategy. There are endless choices when it comes to business analytics software, so make sure that you choose one that best suits your needs before beginning any analysis!
Pankaj Gulati
There are many different products out there that offer business analytics, so it is important to find one that meets your needs. Some of the most popular include Mixpanel, Firebase, and Google Analytics for Business. Each of these tools has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it becomes important to select the one that will be best suited for your specific needs. For example, Mixpanel allows you to track user engagement with your content as well as measure conversions or visits from a given segment of users. Firebase offers real-time insights into user activity across all devices including web and mobile apps (no need for additional software). And finally, Google Analytics for Business provides granular data tracking capabilities across multiple websites and applications simultaneously. It is also essential to keep up with industry trends; otherwise you may find yourself relying on outdated or no longer supported features in your analytics toolbox. So make sure to regularly update information in your profile overviews as new changes occur in the market landscape!
Karan Soni
Redash and Mode Analytics
Soumya Chaturvedi
My team uses Qlik view, it's preferred because of its unique features, such as patented technology and in-memory processing, facilitating the delivery of ultra-fast business analytics reports.
Kritika Jain
The most popular product is Excel which I mostly use. This software can help you to track data and measure performance, manage projects, formulate plans and forecasts, create charts and graphs, and more.
Gaurav Goyal
@kritikajain_16 Right, I think most of us would have started with excels.
Google Analytics: This is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic. It can help businesses understand how visitors interact with their website and identify trends and patterns in user behavior. Tableau: This is a data visualization tool that helps businesses explore, analyze, and communicate data through interactive dashboards and charts. It is popular for its drag-and-drop interface and wide range of visualization options. Microsoft Power BI: This is a business analytics service that provides interactive visualizations and business intelligence capabilities with an easy-to-use interface. It allows businesses to connect, transform, and visualize data from various sources. Qlik Sense: This is a data visualization and business intelligence platform that enables businesses to easily create interactive dashboards and reports. It is known for its flexibility and ability to handle large amounts of data.
geeta chaturvedi
power BI, although not a very big fan
Gaurav Goyal
@wilddeer1 what tool do you use for SQL analytics?
Shreyanshi Gupta
I do like using mixpanel.
Hey @gauravgoyal_gg , Some of the tools i like are... Sql, Excel,Mixpanel
Utkarsh Raj
I have used Metabase. It has very nice features like writing SQL queries, creating different chart, making a real time dashboard, etc. Apart from that Adobe analytics is also good platform, without any coding we can analyse so many things there.
Gaurav Goyal
@utkarsh_raj3 Nice. Metabase is very good I have heard.