Which email marketing tools do you use?

Vlad Zivkovic
63 replies


Tanay from Stacks
Mailbluster and Instantly
Tanay from Stacks
@profy17 Not yet, but happy to try it out. Quick question - Can I use it without AI? I like to keep my outreach simple - in the first email.
Frank Sondors
@tanaylakhani did you try salesforge.ai yet?
Weiru (Launching Vizard now)💜
Mailchimp...but must say it's not the most user friendly tool out there
Çağla Çağlar
Hi Vlac, we've recently launched a new AI-powered email marketing platform called Mailscibe. It has a very user-friendly and easy-to-navigate interface. I would highly recommend you to check out Mailscibe when you get a chance and see what it has to offer. I'm confident it will greatly streamline your tasks. https://mailscribe.com/
Çağla Çağlar
@vladimir_zivkovic Could you please send me your feedback? Your insights were super helpful, especially when I was working on UX now 😅😅
Vlad Zivkovic
@uxcagla I am happy to check it out!
Kimberly Gonzalez
We're pretty hooked on Mailchimp for its user-friendly design and extensive features. But for more personalized, behavior-driven email flows, we find ourselves turning to Intercom.
Darya Krakaviak
Mailchimp and HubSpot for us
Vlad Zivkovic
@dkrakaviak I've been using Mailchimp but not Hubspot.
Ryker Emerson
Sendgrid, what you think about this tool?
Yaroslav Dzyoma
Mailchimp and considering switching. Don't like UI/UX
Todd Sabo
Zoho campaigns and Zoho Marketing Automation
Todd Sabo
@vladimir_zivkovic It's a great platform for small business and it's come a long way. The Marketing Automation tool has been under a re-development for the past two years, but should be much improved when released.
Vlad Zivkovic
@todd_sabo1 Zoho is pretty awesome, lot's of options.
Jijo John
TextCraft AI helps marketers streamline their email communication with AI-powered writing suggestions, enhancing professionalism and efficiency. We are launching on the 20th. This is going to revolutionize how you write and read emails. https://www.producthunt.com/prod...
Marlene Konu
I'm using Systeme io so far :)
Vlad Zivkovic
@marlenekonu Never used it, I'll give it a try!
Anna Carmichael
We use Mailchimp, but always open to new ideas!