What's the biggest marketing trend you foresee in the coming year?

Shaur ul Asar
28 replies


In the coming year, personalized and interactive content will dominate marketing strategies. Purpose-driven initiatives and AI-powered tools will also play vital roles in creating impactful campaigns. Exciting times are ahead for the marketing industry! 👍
Usama Ahmad
Personalized marketing using AI and data analytics will be a major trend. Tailored content builds stronger connections with customers, enhancing experiences and driving better engagement and conversions.
Hifsa Ahmed
I think the biggest trend will be the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning to personalize marketing messages to consumers. This will allow companies to target their audiences better and deliver more relevant and effective messages.
Louis Collins
Personalization is going to go big, even more so than now.
Engaging and maintaining multiple niche audiences has become much easier. I think that's the most effective way to use personalized marketing. What do you think? @shaur_ul_asar
Sadam Ali
As we look ahead to the coming year, the marketing landscape is expected to witness several exciting trends. One significant trend that stands out to me is the increasing integration of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in marketing strategies.
Nick Anisimov
Marketing has finally moved to social networks.
Kunal Mehta
We believe that personalized learning experiences will be the biggest marketing trend in the coming year. Customizing educational content to meet individual needs and preferences is becoming increasingly important, and it's something we're passionate about at ProApp. Speaking of which, we've recently launched our edtech application, ProApp, which offers personalized learning paths for design enthusiasts. You can check it out on Product Hunt here: (https://www.producthunt.com/prod...) Feel free to explore and let us know what you think!
Sophiko Jeiranashvili
I feel like the biggest marketing trend that will be taking over every platform will be original video content from users. TikTok really changed the marketing and advertising world, pushing people to create more human-integrated content
Robert Katai
B2B marketing individual creators People trust people. People like people. That's why we will see more individual creators that will create content, get an authority on behalf of their company and will build an audience that will connect with the brand itself.
Iya Mendoza
As the proud owner of Logomakerr.ai, I'm thrilled about the potential of influencer marketing as the top trend in the coming year! Our AI-powered logo design platform creates logos in minutes, empowering startups and small businesses with incredible branding packages. Partnering with influencers in the design space will showcase our stunning logo designs to their followers, creating a buzz and driving more traffic to our website. By tapping into their influence, we'll reach a wider audience and attract more businesses looking for top-notch branding solutions. It's a win-win for both the influencers and us! Moreover, through influencer marketing, we'll encourage user-generated content. Running creative contests will inspire our customers to share their logo creations and experiences with Logomakerr.ai on social media, further enhancing our brand reputation and attracting potential customers. The power of word-of-mouth marketing and influencer partnerships is set to propel Logomakerr.ai's growth in the coming year significantly!
Irina Ivashchinenko
People want to watch short videos. They no longer want to read text or look at beautiful pictures. This strongly influences TikTok and Stories.
Michael Tkautz
It has to be Personalized Marketing. By taking leverage of AI and data from the web, personalized marketing is bound to revolutionize the way businesses connect with customers. This will be a key factor in delivering exceptional customer experience and will lead to improved engagement. Note that it's becoming hard to personalize marketing because of the great wall of Apple and their new privacy walls. But I do think people will welcome the idea of tracking their cookies and behaviors to experience ads related to what they wanna purchase.
Standard Nerd
The biggest marketing trend I foresee in the coming year is the rise of AI-powered personalized advertising.
Neder Ghadhab
I expect marketing activities based on innovative technologies, such as AI, Metaverse, AR, VR, and perhaps even an increase in the use of blockchain-based technologies, such as NFTs, to begin to take hold. It will certainly be a big year for artificial intelligence.
Daniel Burns
Definitely we will see even a bigger upsurge in AI in marketing (and customer support) which will also influence a higher interactive contact. Exciting times!
Definitely more personalization with the help of AI
My Khanh Pham
Personalized and interactive content
Heleana Grace
It's already a trend but I believe videos will become even more interactive. Already you can buy the product you are watching in the video right away with just the click of a button. Shoppable videos are also becoming more and more frequent. I think it's only going to grow from here.
Shajedul Karim
i forsee the rise of community commerce. brands weaving themselves into the fabric of daily chatter, fostering connections, not just transactions. we're all participants in a grand story, and every purchase, a chance to script our own subplot. welcome to the era of communal buying, of shared stories, and richer experiences.