What AI are you working on?

Naveed Rehman
43 replies
Text-to-Text Text-to-Image Image-to-Video or what ???


Adam Campbell
I’ve been working a lot with text to image lately. In fact, I just launched a free stock image website today using what I’ve learned! https://www.producthunt.com/prod... Would love to hear your thoughts
Nico Spijker
Text-to-text, text-to-image coming soon as well hopefully so we'd be covering both.
Olivia Smith
Recipe-to-Food yummy lol
Carol Moh
Text to speech Speech to text Text to image Text to text And more to come for 2024! 🥳
Mansi Trivedi
I'm here for the answers...
Martin Kristiansen
Mostly image-to-image but with some text-to-image and hopefully soon some video thrown in the mix too
A Tool that gets you email from any website. Making it easier to reach out to your prospects. Say goodbye to manual email finding.
Naveed Rehman
@arzmn aren't they usually contact@ info@ chat@... and most popular no-reply@... ?
@naveed_rehman Yes. But getting the right ones is important. Or you may hurt your email domain if it’s sending email to unknown addresses.
Naveed Rehman
@arzmn Oh, there are many services that you can use to find out the authenticity of email address without sending any email.
A few things: > Text-to-Image > Image-to image > Image-to-motion > Motion-to-motion With a lot more control for the creator.
Sagar Patel
Text to text mostly. I do hope to go to image-to-txt soon! Multimodal seems to be the way to go.
Naveed Rehman
@sagarpatel10 With image-to-text, you mean reverse prompting?
Sagar Patel
@naveed_rehman I mean answering questions about image for example what objects are there in images etc like that.
Richard Green
Ebook lead generation creator.....no code as marketer. if I can get this built, I will have no issue in marketing it.
Hugo Aguiar
Text-to-Text with focus in estimate tasks/projects.... https://www.producthunt.com/post...
Text-to-Text Text-to-Image Text-to-Video Text-to-Speech Speech-to-Text Image-to-Text Image-to-Video Video-to-Text Sound-to-Image Video-to-Sound Sound-to-Video Text-to-3D Modeling
@amorson Cool. I'll give it an upvote. Shall we connect on LinkedIn?
Oanh Le
Text-to-Text Text-to-Image
text-to-text and image-to-image lol
Agent Collaboration-Network, so that one prompt can be assigned to multiple agents