Nico Spijker

Nico Spijker

Early Stage Growth Expert
1,296 points
3 day streak


3+ years working in early-stage growth marketing. Working with SEO, social media, affiliates, branding, campaigns, partnerships and paid media. I have had the chance to learn about every facet in marketing. I started my journey working remotely and traveling the world. I worked from Spain, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Portugal, South Africa, Thailand, Indonesia and The Netherlands. Currently based full-time in Barcelona. 🇪🇸 Scaling Bash with a bootstrapped team. Helping marketers across the globe automate their day-to-day workflows with AI. Turn webpages, conversations and other documents into strategies, action plans, content briefs and more. Growth freelancer on the side, helping businesses with advice and GTM opportunities. Interested in chatting? Let's connect!


Pixel perfection 💎
Pixel perfection 💎
Bright Idea 💡
Bright Idea 💡
Plugged in 🔌
Plugged in 🔌
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