Steal these call-to-actions 👇

Ready to write captions that convert your followers into clients? 🤔⁠ ⁠ Captions are an awesome opportunity to solve a problem, inspire, educate, and so much more.⁠ ⁠ Every great caption has three parts:⁠ 1️⃣ Headline or hook⁠ 2️⃣ Value⁠ 3️⃣ CTA (call-to-action)⁠ ⁠ 👉 Save these 5 call-to-actions!⁠ 1. Does this sound like you? 2. Can you relate? 3. Tag a friend who needs to hear this. 4. Share this post if you agree. 5. Drop an emoji in the comments.


Soner Alemdar
Great Nika. Maybe you can also share your best hooks 😜
Business Marketing with Nika
@soner_ For me, the best hook is: Wait till the end (of the video). :-D
Soner Alemdar
@busmark_w_nika do you think that this really keeps people?
Business Marketing with Nika
@soner_ In some cases. I know a few profiles when that works. For example, one performer uses it in their stories and I am vulnerable to watching a 60-second story instead of 15 sec. Because I can rely on the surprising end. Her name is Stefanie Millinger. She is a self-educated contortionist.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge Nika 😊
@sandradjajic Hey Sandra, we want to see you in the Clustr Army 🫡🫡🫡 "With great power comes great responsibility!"
Business Marketing with Nika
@sandradjajic You are welcome, Sandra. 🙂 And congrats on Klu's success story. I noticed it on LinkedIn! :-)
Thank you Nika for sharing great tips 🚀
Business Marketing with Nika
@realvladgolub Vlad, it is kind of you! I keep working on more tips. :-)
Absolutely! Captions offer a unique opportunity to solve problems, inspire, educate, and more. Thanks Nika for sharing the valuable Tips.
Business Marketing with Nika
@neha_joshi8 Neha, I am happy to share it with you. :-)
Asif Jamil
Great list, @busmark_w_nika! 💯 I'm adding another one: "Comment below if I've missed anything"
Elissa Craig
Strong CTAs are so valuable and often overlooked, especially if you are not "selling" something. I strive to put a CTA in every content piece I publish to support and facilitate engagement.
Business Marketing with Nika
@elissa_craig What product do you sell? :-) And what CTA would you use to promote it?