Steal these call-to-actions 👇

Ready to write captions that convert your followers into clients? 🤔⁠ ⁠ Captions are an awesome opportunity to solve a problem, inspire, educate, and so much more.⁠ ⁠ Every great caption has three parts:⁠ 1️⃣ Headline or hook⁠ 2️⃣ Value⁠ 3️⃣ CTA (call-to-action)⁠ ⁠ 👉 Save these 5 call-to-actions!⁠ 1. Does this sound like you? 2. Can you relate? 3. Tag a friend who needs to hear this. 4. Share this post if you agree. 5. Drop an emoji in the comments.


Thank you Nika for sharing great tips 🚀
Business Marketing with Nika
@realvladgolub Vlad, it is kind of you! I keep working on more tips. :-)
Thank you for sharing your knowledge Nika 😊
@sandradjajic Hey Sandra, we want to see you in the Clustr Army 🫡🫡🫡 "With great power comes great responsibility!"
Business Marketing with Nika
@sandradjajic You are welcome, Sandra. 🙂 And congrats on Klu's success story. I noticed it on LinkedIn! :-)
Soner Alemdar
Great Nika. Maybe you can also share your best hooks 😜
Soner Alemdar
@busmark_w_nika do you think that this really keeps people?
Business Marketing with Nika
@soner_ In some cases. I know a few profiles when that works. For example, one performer uses it in their stories and I am vulnerable to watching a 60-second story instead of 15 sec. Because I can rely on the surprising end. Her name is Stefanie Millinger. She is a self-educated contortionist.
Business Marketing with Nika
@soner_ For me, the best hook is: Wait till the end (of the video). :-D
Absolutely! Captions offer a unique opportunity to solve problems, inspire, educate, and more. Thanks Nika for sharing the valuable Tips.
Business Marketing with Nika
@neha_joshi8 Neha, I am happy to share it with you. :-)
Asif Jamil
Great list, @busmark_w_nika! 💯 I'm adding another one: "Comment below if I've missed anything"
Elissa Craig
Strong CTAs are so valuable and often overlooked, especially if you are not "selling" something. I strive to put a CTA in every content piece I publish to support and facilitate engagement.
Business Marketing with Nika
@elissa_craig What product do you sell? :-) And what CTA would you use to promote it?