In what aspect do you want to conquer your competition?

First, you need to know your strengths and weaknesses (and also the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors). What do you want to improve?


Marcelo Andrade Perino
@busmark_w_nika I've always found that relentless focus on your customer is best in the long term. Competitors' shiny new features can quickly become noise, while if you're listening, responding, and addressing your core customers' pain points, you will stay ahead of the game!
Marcelo Andrade Perino
@busmark_w_nika listening to the customer is key - feedback sessions, watch them use your product, listen to their pain points, ask for feedback via surveys, host customer interviews. These are all great tactics to understand how your product is being used and areas for improvement!
Business Marketing with Nika
@mandradeperino So do you have in plan to improve customer service and relationships with customers? How do you want to do that?
Here is what I believe @busmark_w_nika. I aim to outshine the competition through unparalleled user experience, cutting-edge innovation, and a PLAYFUL UX. I really think focusing on these areas ensures we not only meet our customer needs but will exceed them. Let's create content with joy !
Business Marketing with Nika
@gabriel_delattre That makes sense. When people can orient themselves on the website, they are more likely to receive the information they seek.
Ohans Emmanuel
@gabriel_delattre Sold. Can I try the product already? :)