I care more about being a decent guy than "selling" my services.

Adrian M. Peticila 🟡
3 replies
It's been a joyride until now. Because my clients get: * happy * helped * growth * surprised * closer to their goals —without me selling. They don't buy my services; they buy the feelings of comfort, honesty, loyalty, peace and authority I bring to the table. Win-win.


Marie-Philippe Leblanc
Love this! I have to agree!
Giovani Drosda Lima
I am a dev, not a seller. But I also don't feel like pushing my products to everyone - I know that when I make a good product that people enjoy and listen to community feedback, customers will come naturally and everyone will be happy. It is always about mutual benefit and be truthful.
Gyula Rusinczky
People buy personalities, not products or services.🙂