Do you practice yoga?

Priyanka Saini
14 replies
Today is International Yoga Day. So wanna know do you do yoga to make your body and mind fit. Whats's your favourite aasan?


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Every single day, when it comes to physical exercise. When it comes to life – I think that I slipped a lot. Which I am not proud of. And my fave is always that flow: adho mukha svanasana –> chaturanga dandasana –> urdhva mukha svanasana πŸ™‚
Priyanka Saini
@busmark_w_nika This is amazing Nika!
My3 Murthy
@busmark_w_nika I love that you know the actual sanskrit names. Many people dont
Business Marketing with Nika
@my3_murthy I know only a few. I forgot most of them, unfortunately :D I tried to learn Hindi as well (Devanagari) but was completely lost :DDDD
Abhishek Gharat
@busmark_w_nika I should be ashamed I'm hearing these terms for the first time as an Indian :3
My3 Murthy
I do- just celebrated international yoga day with my instructor
Dzmitry Tsemirau
I don't, but my wife recently started and is happy with it so far.
Rupal Saini
Yoga is my therapy and it energizes me for the day. My favorite aasan is Suryanamaskar, and I also love doing headstand and some neck exercises, including deep breathing :)
I didn't know about International Yoga Day, I'm just coming back from yoga ahahaha I like to do yoga sessions (like this week, it's a yoga week) and I endup not practicing on a regular basis but more for a few days / weeks and then stop and start again. This has to do with my way of living as well (I'm a nomad and usually staying around 2weeks at the same place) so I have my "yoga cities", right now i'm in one and I love it. No favorite one for me, I like to explore new ones and I havn't found any specific one I want to go back to on a regular basis (at least for now). What I like the most is to try new ones and get the feeling of it.
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I find that yoga is a wonderful practice for both the body and the mind, promoting overall well-being and relaxation. As for my favorite asana, I particularly enjoy practicing the tree pose as it helps me focus and find balance in both my physical and mental state. We are building a marketing Contentify AI for Free here just look up Contentify AI
Julie Su
I didn't have the habit of yoga and liked to meditate🧘
Elaine Lu
Yes, I practice yoga regularly! It helps me stay balanced and energized throughout the day.
Gurkaran Singh
Yoga? Oh, you mean that ancient art of twisting into a pretzel while trying to find inner peace? Let's just say my favorite "aasan" is the one where I don't accidentally fall over!