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  • Biggest Regret as a founder?

    Lewis Herdman
    14 replies


    Greffin Dony
    A significant regret is not focusing enough on customer feedback from the beginning. It’s important to understand and adapt to customers needs.
    Flow State Training
    Flow State Training
    Launching soon!
    Not being sane enough to shut down the constant stream of startup ideas :P
    Amensa Hulk
    I wish I had taken more time to thoroughly research and understand my target market before launching the product.
    Amy G. Debnam
    I regret not investing more in building a strong team from the start.
    Anne Boehm
    We could have been more proactive in seeking out and incorporating feedback from our users earlier on.
    One regret is not investing enough in marketing early on.
    Marcus Hubler
    I wish I had listened to our early users more closely.
    Marcus Hubler
    I spent too much time trying to do everything myself, and it delayed our progress
    Bill Frad
    I wish I’d listened to feedback more actively in the early days. It could have helped us pivot sooner and avoid some pitfalls.
    Alex Bravo
    I regret not delegating tasks sooner. I ended up taking on too much myself, which led to burnout.
    William Seikh
    I should have invested more in marketing earlier on. It’s easy to underestimate how crucial it is for growth.
    Few hiring mistakes.
    Zackary Mendez
    One big regret is not balancing work and personal life better. It’s essential to maintain well-being to lead effectively.
    Lekan Oladosu
    Launching soon!
    Giving free version for too long while we kept adding new features and not talking to more customers. It became difficult to change this.