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  • If you could go back in time, before launching. Would you still launch? would anything change?

    Lewis Herdman
    4 replies


    Andreas Sohns
    Absolutely, I would still launch but I would gather early user feedback first to refind the product.
    Gurkaran Singh
    Absolutely, I'd still launch! It's all part of the startup rollercoaster - the highs, the lows, and the occasional loop-de-loops. Who doesn't love a good thrill ride, right?
    Elizabeth Thompson
    If I could go back, I'd probably spend more time validating the core value prop with potential customers before building anything. It's so easy to fall in love with your own idea and assume others will too. Talking to users early on might have saved me a lot of time building features no one really needed. But overall I'm glad I took the leap and launched, even if it didn't go perfectly. Nothing teaches you faster than real-world feedback!