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My Khanh Pham
My Khanh Pham
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Share a song, movie, or book that you think perfectly captures the essence of your product.

If ConveyThis were a movie, it would be "Lost in Translation" by Bill Murray! Just like the movie's whimsical adventures through language barriers. Would love for your support:
My Khanh Pham
My Khanh Pham
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If your product could have a superpower, what would you wish it to be?

If ConveyThis could have a superpower, it would paw-sibly be the ability to translate pet languages :P Would love for your support:
My Khanh Pham
My Khanh Pham
started a discussion

Just launched my SaaS on ProductHunt. Where do I go from here?

Just launched on Product Hunt. What are my next steps from here? Anyone have advice on marketing, growth and the day-to-day engagement after a launch?
My Khanh Pham
My Khanh Pham
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Pinterest. I love making them visual boards
Sveta Bay
How to you get design inspiration?
My Khanh Pham
My Khanh Pham
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Just launched mine yesterday too!
What's your best pre-launch tip?
My Khanh Pham
My Khanh Pham
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The worst-case scenario would be our solution not solving the problem it was designed for effectively. But hopefully that's not the case ahaha
Tal Buchshreiber
What is your biggest fear about launching your product? What is the worst case scenario?
Tal Buchshreiber
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My Khanh Pham
My Khanh Pham
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A schedule and dedicated downtime
Zain alam
How do you maintain a work-life balance?
My Khanh Pham
My Khanh Pham
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Easy-to-use, and cost-effective
Vlad Zivkovic
How do you differentiate your product from your competitors?
Vlad Zivkovic
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My Khanh Pham
My Khanh Pham
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Creativity and thinking outside the box sets leaders apart from followers!
Antoni Kozelski
"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
Antoni Kozelski
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My Khanh Pham
My Khanh Pham
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Personalized and interactive content
Shaur ul Asar
What's the biggest marketing trend you foresee in the coming year?
Shaur ul Asar
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My Khanh Pham
My Khanh Pham
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Enable real-time tracking of customer feedback and reviews which is very helpful.
How can SaaS products benefit from using reputation management platforms?
Hamza Afzal Butt
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My Khanh Pham
My Khanh Pham
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Adaptability. Being able to pivot when needed
Sneha Nair
In your opinion, what's the most important quality of a successful startup?
My Khanh Pham
My Khanh Pham
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Hi! Just launched yesterday. Any feedback, comments and insight would be so appreciated :)
emmanuel Onuoha
Happy to help any founder launching this week, please reach out!
emmanuel Onuoha
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My Khanh Pham
My Khanh Pham
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Business Marketing with Nika
15 Poll Questions that will boost your engagement on your Stories
Business Marketing with Nika
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My Khanh Pham
My Khanh Pham
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Loom and Vidyard are pretty great for personalized content!
Novie Rose Rianna Dizon
What kind of video marketing tools do you use for your clients or prospects?
Novie Rose Rianna Dizon
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