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ash avale
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Motion design is more a no-code skill inherently even before software like rive.with plugins like Lottie for after effects if you wanted to get your animation sequence to Webflow. unless we are talking UI micro-interactions.
Will No-Code Make Motion Design Accessible to Everyone?
Dina Mostafa
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ash avale
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then i would have not lost a lot of cool and useful links :(
What if your meeting notes never disappeared again?
Loic Thirion-Lopez
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ash avale
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motion designer here! not into UX but i quiet like for inspirations,has amazing Ads inspo for software products as-well.
What are your inspirations in UX design?
Abhijeet Dave
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ash avale
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What is the best cold reach conversation you had?
What is the best cold outreach conversation you had and how did that conversation go?
what did the person do that stood out as unique from the rest?
And finally....... Did the person close the deal/get the meeting/sell the product?
ash avale
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"Mike and Chara Smith - Designing for the love of the game" on Dive club's youtube channel
What's the last book or podcast that inspired you?
Abdul Rehman
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ash avale
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Similar to what a paintbrush is to a painter, AI will continue to be a great tool for creatives.
As much as people fear the influx of AI,it would still need great artistic and design focused minds to keep things fresh and exciting which every brand needs.
AI art generation minus human creativity = failed products.
How will AI impact the future of human creativity and expression?
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ash avale
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Made a spec product overview intro project for Epigram
I Made a 40-second intro project for Epigram how does it look?
check it out here:
ash avale
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ElevenLabs AI, their visually stunning website and motion design on their intro video has been on my mind for a while.
Can you share a marketing campaign that has inspired you lately?
Benjamin Lee
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ash avale
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What are your views on AI potentially replacing human creativity?
Daniel Reed
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ash avale
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memes! a lot of them for sure.
What do you think would happen if the PH community allowed posting pictures or videos?
Elara Thorn
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ash avale
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Hey! Motion and visual designer for startups here :
Let’s Connect on LinkedIn
Shabnam Katoch
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ash avale
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Consistent quality posting and sticking to my content calender
What’s a content creation habit you want to break or adopt this year?
Austin Armstrong
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ash avale
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As a designers I can speak for my fellow designers that using AI without having great taste or vision in design will always end in low quality designs. I think AI designs have a lot of potential IF proper RND is done by one using AI. Most AI designs are shit imo.
How do you feel about AI producing art, music or literature?
Daniel Reed
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ash avale
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Founders! what do you guys think of loom product intro videos?
I think they are right ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ though it can hurt your brand positioning compared to a clean animated video, but that's my opinion.
What do you guys think?
ash avale
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Completed a killer product intro motion design video that will get posted in a couple of hours on Linkedin.
What’s One Thing You’re Proud of This Week?
Hamza Afzal Butt
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ash avale
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Depends on the content! while in some instances templates can do the job in minutes your money shot(AKA the thing on the forefront of your product like your pinned posts on social media or you product overview videos on homepage or producthunt) should be made from scratch or at least should look very professional.
Do you prefer working with templates or creating content from scratch? Why?
Jao Japitana
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ash avale
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Considering recent changes in sites like LinkedIn pivoting to shorter form content,creating videos which an be repurposed into byte sized content is the way to go.the brands need is to be on top of potential customers mind till the time they actually need them if not right away,that’s the way to go.
What tactics can you use to keep visitors engaged after the initial launch excitement?
Ava Bailey
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ash avale
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A: In-person networking events. best way to make people find your product interesting is show them the person behind the product,though its not a necessity it helps to introduce them to your product.
B:Refer point A.
C:you might need a way to launch your product on sites like producthunt maybe a good product animation might help *wink wink* haha
New founder on product hunt - need advice
Jason Doran
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ash avale
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if you have a website/product with UI in it(most of them do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) having micro interacrtions in you website is essential to move your website visitors eyes from Whitespace to elements which helps you explain your product better,it either retains the user attention for longer or gives user enough information about the product to know more,in some cases even situation.
How Micro-animations enhance user experience in web design?
Dina Mostafa
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