

#1 Web Project that Links Journalists with Experts
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What is Tech4Reporters?
Tech4Reporters is a web project that links journalists with experts in the tech community to help solve the problems for free. Unlike other knowledge sharing social networks, Tech4Reporters is anonymous for the reporters that use it and the answers experts provide can only be seen by the reporter that poses the question.
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TechForReporters v2
Journalists: Need to ask a hard question about tech? Do it here, completely anonymously.
Technologists: Want to get in front of journalists and explain your expertise? Join T4R to help set the record straight.
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TechForReporters is a place where reporters can ask hard questions. Nearly every story is a tech story these days and reporters need quick, accurate answers. Technologists - programmers, engineers, designers, and thinkers - can answer in an anonymous or open forum. It is currently free.

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