We’re happy to announce that Tana Android has officially launched in Production! The app is now available to everyone directly in the Google Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tana.android
We’re excited to keep refining and expanding Tana Android!
We know there’s still a long road ahead, with many improvements and features to add.
A huge thank you to all our testers who had the courage to try the first versions, report issues, share suggestions, and help shape our roadmap! Add a comment if you have ideas on how we can make the app better 🙏
With the Producthunt launch, we also updated the starter content for new users.
A lot of the tags in the setup are using new Tana features in cool ways: #brainstorm lets you capture ideas and questions from voice on mobile, #daily prep lets you plan your day on the go, #article is built to go from voice->Tana publish in no time.
Have you tried the new setup, and did you know you could get them into your Tana from here?