NetHunt - CRM in Gmail

CRM in Gmail for sales teams and small businesses.
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The community submitted 62 reviews to tell us what they like about NetHunt - CRM in Gmail, what NetHunt - CRM in Gmail can do better, and more.
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62 Reviews
Mareks Voiches
1 review
This is a very powerful CRM for businesses that work tightly in Google ecosystem - Gmail, Calendar, Meet, etc. You simply have all CRM information inside those apps - create new contact from incoming email, have CRM records linked to Calendar events, workflows inside your Gmail interface.
Nico Spijker

Marketing at Bash

82 reviews
Tom Medema
Founder / CEO Bubbles
159 reviews
Recommended this product
Looking forward to trying it out as the gmail one is very useful! Made some notes annotated here too on your main landing page that might help increase your conversions :)
Fabian Maume
Founder of
21 reviews
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Nice resource. The part about do & don't could be expanded a bit ;)
Matt Pliszka
Consultant at
92 reviews
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Review of NetHunt CRM

If Google Apps / GMail is enough for you, this is a great extension, adding CRM elements to the tools you're already using on a daily basis.

Tune Support
Support Executive
29 reviews
Recommended this product
Really love the way how simple and easy it is to use. Great job!
Tune Support
Support Executive
29 reviews
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I'm impressed by the hard work done on this CRM. Good job
Valerie Kakovkina
A marketing writer
1 review
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Thanks for sharing - a very insightful and a truly impeccable product for all salespeople out there. I especially liked the bit about automation; never knew Gmail is capable of all that - a real productivity hack! I'm most definitely looking forward to reading more from you.
Steven Long
1 review
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Review of NetHunt
Hi! I have been using NetHunt CRM for 2 months and I’m enjoying it sooo much! Despite the absence of onboarding, the whole setup process took me like 20 minutes. In my business, where Information quickly becomes outdated I need to make a change in every document or update the info in different lists about the same customer. And.. NetHunt’s real time savior here! My revenue depends on accurate and timely information and constant customer communication. If you question the effectiveness of your sales managers and want to see clearly how much efforts are being put and the outcome by every sales manager, NetHunt won’t leave you disappointed.
Dmitriy Gorin
Product Manager
3 reviews
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Wow, that’s look pretty good for my company, just started to use it, but I already love this one 👍🏽