Anna Pozniak

The Gmail Book by NetHunt - Everything you didn’t know about Gmail for sales lives here

Organise, secure, and surface data efficiently. Automate input-heavy sales processes easily. Grow organically. Use technology right under your nose to take the sales strain from your shoulders. Learn how to use Gmail in a way that you never thought possible.

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Anna Pozniak
I’m going to be honest, this book took a long time to put together. We planned it, researched, and painstakingly tested all the techniques that you’ll find in there. As a cost-effective way of managing your sales team, Gmail is a good first step to take with oodles of features that you didn’t even know existed. In this ebook, you'll learn how to... ❌ Auto-delete unwanted emails with Javascript templates. 📧 Automate the bulk email process from start to finish in Gmail. 🔒 Completely secure your data and limit access to unwanted third parties. ✔️ Do things quickly in Gmail, like create tasks and calendar events out of your inbox. Yep, it was a labour of love and I hope it was worth it. Long live Gmail.
Olga Petrik
Wow, thanks for sharing Anna!
Anna Pozniak
@olga_petrik Hope you find it useful! 😊
Thanks a ton Anna for sharing such a great guide. I appreciate your time and effort :)
Anna Pozniak
@zusersnap Thanks so much! I am really happy if it makes your life at least a little bit easier! 😊
Marina Plashenko
Wow! What an in-depth guide! So many useful tips on how to use Gmail in sales. Thank you!
Anna Pozniak
@marina_plashenko Thanks! That was our plan, to show salespeople native Gmail functionality they didn't know before 😃
Valerie Kakovkina
Thanks for sharing - a very insightful and a truly impeccable product for all salespeople out there. I especially liked the bit about automation; never knew Gmail is capable of all that - a real productivity hack! I'm most definitely looking forward to reading more from you.
Anna Pozniak
@valerie_kakovkina Thanks Valerie for the feedback! Yep, automation is available even with native Gmail functionality! Hope this knowledge will make your daily life a bit easier :)
David Cacik
CloudTalk cheers for NetHunt! +1
Anna Pozniak
@david_cacik Thank you so much! 😊
Irina Maltseva
Great job @annpozzzniak and the NetHunt's team!
Nada Bundalo
Thank you Anna for sharing this amazing guide!
Anna Pozniak
@nada_bundalo Thank you, Nada! I am glad that it's helpful for you! :)
Alex Kharko
Wow! Great job, @annpozzzniak and NetHunt team
Mareks Voiches
OMG, didn't know there's an opportunity to send mass emails through Gmail. It can save much money for small businesses as they don;t need to pay for additional email marketing tools.
Anna Pozniak
@mareks_voiches Yes, just keep in mind that there's the limitation of 500 emails sent per day (in case you have big user/email base) and the lack of stats on sent campaigns 😉
Mareks Voiches
@annpozzzniak True, didn't think about this, analytics is essential. Either way, it might be useful for some campaigns and for the companies that are really short on a budget!
Ryan Jason
That's really amazing and Great
Tyler Ray
Nice one! Congrats with the launch!