You just connect your bank account info and Cushion fights any bank fees you've had in the past and protects you in the future. No-brainer.
Used Cushion a few months ago when it was still in early beta. The onboarding process was simple and easy. The bot interactions made it easy to respond with a few words and a quick login with my bank account gave them all I need. Within a few hours I got a message letting me know I got cash back.
It's really amazing to watch money that banks took for fees fly back into your account.
I've seen the team of cushion working on this problem and building the complex technology behind it, leveraging every knowledge out there and diving deep into security, machine learning and data nuances just to make sure the solution as efficient as possible and work as expected. I'm glad it is paying off now and we get to see the chat bot magically fights off our bank fees.
I've been on the beta and was astounded by how easy it was to save money.
Product doesn't support my banks yet but can't wait until they do!
This is a great group of people working on a solution to a problem that plagues folks all over the place. Simple process to connect your bank and an even easier process to start saving money on fees. Give it a try!