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What do people think of Crash?

The community submitted 74 reviews to tell us what they like about Crash, what Crash can do better, and more.
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74 Reviews
Mitchell Earl
Chief Operating Officer @ DiscoverPraxis
2 reviews
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You already know how much a drag the job hunt can be. Blasting out resumes and cover letters right and left. Waiting. Hoping you get a response. Let alone an interview. The job hunt sucks. But it doesn't have to. Crash and *this* newsletter is all about a better way – a more effective way – for approaching your job hunt. It puts you in the driver's seat to prioritize the types of opportunities that would excite the hell out of you + the toolkit to achieve meaningful results as soon as this week. This daily newsletter is a great companion for anybody who wants to find meaningful work but isn't sure how to get better results.
Colm Hayden
Co Founder Cadoo
2 reviews
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Review of Crash

I am incredibly excited about the idea of setting up a personalized skills profile and sending a custom pitch to your company of choice. I think this is how job applications will be in the future and I am excited crash is leading the way.

Devin Gray
3 reviews
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Review of Crash

looking forward to a more refined concept

Brad Matthews
Growth Marketer,
2 reviews
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Crash turned what would have been a dreary job hunt into something fun. It's not about spamming resumes, but approaching it like a project that you actually take seriously and thoughtfully. It put me in a position of control. I was not at the mercy of resume reviewers, I was impressing them with a pitch tailored specifically to the organizations I wanted to work with. Crash is not a silver bullet, but if you use it strategically you'll have a far better shot of getting a great job at an organisation you want to work at.
Cássius Carvalho
founder at YOUniversity
2 reviews
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Review of Crash

The coolest part about Crash isn't their product. It's the whole innovative take on how to crash your career that they promote. Check out some of their content to change your perspective and understand how to use their tool even better.

Jonathan J.
Usability and amazing moments
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Review of Crash

As a UX designer who has a ton of NDA work, traditional resumes just do not cut it. I think your team managed to create a super useful tool. I love it and recording my elevator pitch when I am back in town. *Small suggestion: Categorized Tech Stacks per role* A small suggestion would be to build out the tech stacks abit more based on users roles. *How does it work* - Say I am a marketer; I may wish to list Litmus, Kissmetrics, and other campaign tools, as to the ones suggested. You backend would use my "interested in" tag to serve up those queries. I am guessing more than not, that other people with similar "interested in" tags will also use the same tools as I. As a designer, we typically use Sketch, Invision, Framer, Adobe. I think Crash will become a major standard across career categories. Marvelous job on this. I am stoked to explore more features!

Josh Schubert
Early career econ graduate & saxophonist
1 review
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I just got out of college and an internship, and The Daily Job Hunt over the past two months is the message and advice I need to keep me motivated! Crash employees have been very engaging and supportive.
Kasen Wysong
2 reviews
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I had been doing a pretty passive job exploration for a few months when I was laid off, along with a good chunk of the team (COVID-19 related). I used Crash to land my dream job as a Marketing Coordinator for a startup in less than 2 weeks. I'm unbelievably grateful for the Crash platform and how the tool helped me nail this new gig. In addition, the team behind the tool is unbelievably positive, helpful, and supportive. I highly recommend Crash to anybody currently job-searching or hoping for a better career path moving forward.
Phil Gross
SaaS Accounting, Mountain Adventures
2 reviews
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I've been subscribed to The Daily Job Hunt for the past month and absolutely love it. It's like receiving your daily coffee but to motivate you for the job hunt. Highly recommend even if you're not currently looking!
Eliana Rose B.
I'm a pursuer of wholistic abundance
2 reviews
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Crash is an amazing platform that is helping me to show my skills to the world while I'm job hunting. Their team is incredible; their customer service experience is one of the best ones I have ever received. They're always willing to help me and ask me if I need assistance with their platform before I ask. I've also received great responses from hiring managers, saying that they enjoyed reviewing my videos and pitches.