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How worklead works? 1: We hunt and try to find $5k+ design and development projects/remote jobs from our sources. 2: if we come across good projects, we send them via email alerts to your inbox. 3: You start the conversation with the clients/companies and win the project
Remote job boards are mostly US-centric, so I decided to go on a treasure hunt every other tuesday and share some of the best jobs specifically for Europe-based remote workers. Got a job to suggest?
In our company we had the chance to inspect thousands of CV's of job applicants. Unfortunately, most of them were not well designed and without any logical structure. Well, we don't want to be unfair, some of them were really enjoyable. But those were only about 10% of the resumes we received. The classical way to write a resume was to use Microsoft Word templates.
The first step to more interviews is a better resume. RoleSpark gives you free feedback from your peers to help you improve your resume and stand out from the crowd.
Streamline your job search with Job Hunter Pro. Manage job targets, applications, interviews, CV, network, and documents all in one place. Enhance skills and improve competitiveness with career development resources.
The Search is a way to optimize your search, and find the right job at the right time. Sign up to receive a curated newsletter of fresh jobs from a list of 200+ Tech Companies.
New job board? Well, not really. Nobody needs yet another job board. This is more like your personal curator ๐ง which sends you an email each weekend.
Meet a free newsletter that's a fun way to learn about odd, unusual, and fun jobs you can snag. Get breakdowns of odd gigs, strategies to start your own business, and weekly job openings in bizarre industries. Join 1,000+ odd people by subscribing now.