Nuclino serves as your team's collective brain – stay connected to it while you’re on the go!
Nuclino allows you to create real-time collaborative documents and connect them instantly like a wiki. The tree, board, and graph views let you explore and organize your knowledge visually. It's perfect for anything, from quick notes to detailed documentation.
Good resurce to integrate many app data base doc , good cost beneficios , the learning cure of all many potentials need more time learning , with limited use case templates real world wiki
One of the best tool to collaborate, manage, and plan.
• The dark mode on the platform is elegant
• The graph visualization is astonishing which enhance my ability to search through nodes.
I've been using Nuclino to help me organize everything that I need to tackle in order to launch my service. I love the usability, the templates that they offer, and the examples that they set up. I'm not always tech savvy and them providing examples of what the system can do helps me out immensely.