Locker (Want Locker)

Locker (Want Locker)

Pinterest for Online Shopping
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What is Locker (Want Locker)?
Locker is a social shopping tool and platform (with Google Chrome extension and new mobile app) that is revolutionizing how the everyday consumer shops online. We are building a platform that both autonomizes and automates the consumer shopping experience by providing a tool to make organized wish lists while using the data from our user base to provide a personalized product feed and recommendations based on their brand, price and style preferences.

Recent launches

Locker is the answer to your endless screenshots, shopping tabs, and notes app links. You can save any online product you want to your organized collections in seconds.
Locker is the Pocket for Fashion, Home & Beauty. Never forget about the things you want to buy most by saving your favorites across over 350 websites to one place. Collaborate with friends by sharing your favorites or shopping from their Lockers.
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