Airport Vibes - A source to rate & find 🔍the best airports to travel from 🛫
As digital nomads, we travel a lot & we spend a great amount of time @ airports around the world. We know many of you do too — for business or leisure, doesn’t matter. We’re at the airports eating🍔, sleeping😴, reading📖, working👩🏻💻, shopping🛍 — doing everything we do in cities. This is why we need a source for airport information & ratings.
High School Hackathons - North America - A list of hackathons for high schoolers across North America
High School Hackathons - North America is a curated list of hackathons that aimed specifically at high school students or allow them to participate. You can filter through the hackathons by state/province.
Emergency numbers around the world - Get any SOS number fast. Hit Tab; write country name; dial.
I had already been living in Australia for a few months when I realized I had no idea what their emergency numbers are. Same after I had moved to Bali. I made this to have a super fast way to find an emergency number wherever I land.