@andreyazimov Nice work! For anyone that needs an easy way to get data from other sources (e.g. SQL, API's, etc.) into Sheets to power your site, check out SeekWell (https://seekwell.io/). We make it dead simple to get data from your database into Sheets using just SQL. You can also automate refreshes to occur up to every five minutes.
Andrey the idea sounds cool! But why you don’t have trial? I am ready to pay (put information about my card) after I will try and see that it worth my money. Mmm :(
We used to create tables/infographics to show this kind of information in our blog articles. Now we use Sheet2Site which looks much better, is more interactive, mobile friendly and so easy to keep the information up to date.
+ Easy to use
+ Enough customization option
+ Great customer service
+ Responsive
+ Looks good
+ You can embed it into your website/blog
- Only thing I can think of is that it was not easy to find the Header and Card Template Numbers
Web3 Jobs
Vision Directory
Love the progress Andrey is making 🙌
Pros:Quickest way to make a website from data
Cons:Only supports Google Sheet at the moment
Progress Dashboard
100DaysOfAI Challenge
Vision Directory
Congratulations on the launch!
Pros:A great solution to quickly create a simple website from data.
Build The Keyword
We used to create tables/infographics to show this kind of information in our blog articles. Now we use Sheet2Site which looks much better, is more interactive, mobile friendly and so easy to keep the information up to date.
Pros:+ Easy to use + Enough customization option + Great customer service + Responsive + Looks good + You can embed it into your website/blog
Cons:- Only thing I can think of is that it was not easy to find the Header and Card Template Numbers
RipeOrNot AI - For Avocados
Amazing progress, keep on shipping 😉
Pros:Fastest way to get a complex site up and running. Andrey is amazing, super helpful and always listening to feedback from the community.
Cons:The only part that still could be simplified is the onboarding where you have to understand how the sheet works.
Funny guy, hope you consisten developing this project!
Pros:Convenient and intuitive
Cons:Your password and other privacy Unsafety !