Localizer - Open source iOS translation memory / DB
Why pay to translate words someone else has already paid for? This is an open-source translation memory for all iOS devs made by processing over 500K GitHub iOS projects and other open-source resources. Together we can minimize costs for indie iOS teams.
mixRecipes by DigitalBunker - Unique recipes from around the world, delivered daily.
International recipes, delivered daily. Tired of seeing the same recommendations on every cooking site? We'll send you recipes ranging from Swiss Alplermagronen to Macedonian ajvar. If you don't know what those are, this free service is perfect for you!
Halfway - Say goodbye to lost time, extra driving, and wasting gas!
Find out what's halfway between two or more locations in any country worldwide. Plan meetings and find places in the middle of everyone with our Halfway Meeting Planner. You can also share a plan and allow everyone to enter their addresses on their own time.
Sticker Spot - Create custom iMessage Stickers without writing any code!
Sticker Spot is a platform that allows non-technical creatives a way to create and publish custom iMessage Sticker packs without any coding. Simply upload your images and earn a commission on every sale - no Apple Developer account needed!