Aryaman Sharda

Localizer - Open source iOS translation memory / DB

Why pay to translate words someone else has already paid for? This is an open-source translation memory for all iOS devs made by processing over 500K GitHub iOS projects and other open-source resources. Together we can minimize costs for indie iOS teams.

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Aryaman Sharda
I've always wanted to localize my personal apps, but I found it to be too expensive. Since many apps share the same vocabulary (News Feed, Dashboard, Forgot Password, Take Photo), it seemed silly to pay to translate words that some other development team must have previously already paid to translate. So, I created an open-source translation memory for all iOS developers to benefit from. I processed over 500K GitHub iOS projects, AppleGlot, and other open-source resources and created a database of almost 15 million translations. Now, a developer can now upload their Localizable.strings, run it against this database of translations, and get at least a subset of their translations for free. This isn't meant to be an end-all solution for app localization, but it is meant to help drive down costs for smaller development teams by translating common words for free. Now, your localization budgets can be spent on translating text specific to your app.
Mariano Pardo
I love the idea of using open-source projects as a database for translations. I'd suggest you remove the Google Translator logo. If you don't want to do one yourself, you can check any of the popular MIT licensed icon collections, most of them have a localization icon. Google is not shy when it comes to suing.