Aryaman Sharda

mixRecipes by DigitalBunker - Unique recipes from around the world, delivered daily.

International recipes, delivered daily. Tired of seeing the same recommendations on every cooking site? We'll send you recipes ranging from Swiss Alplermagronen to Macedonian ajvar. If you don't know what those are, this free service is perfect for you!

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Aryaman Sharda
In quarantine, I've been indulging in my cooking hobby more often and was quickly running out of dinner ideas. I wanted to cook something completely I'd never tried before, so after a weekend of writing some data scraping scripts, I built this site. Now, everyone can receive interesting and novel recipe ideas everyday. We'll send you recipes ranging from Swiss Alplermagronen to Macedonian ajvar. Don't know what those are? Then, this free service is perfect for you! All of your recipes come with a full allergy, nutrients, vitamins, and dietary information breakdown.