Aryaman Sharda

Sticker Spot - Create custom iMessage Stickers without writing any code!

Sticker Spot is a platform that allows non-technical creatives a way to create and publish custom iMessage Sticker packs without any coding. Simply upload your images and earn a commission on every sale - no Apple Developer account needed!

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Aryaman Sharda
Over the last few months, a few friends and family members have expressed interest in creating their own iMessage sticker packs. Though you’d expect it to be a fairly straightforward and design-centric process, it quickly becomes technical. A designer would have to set up Xcode, creating an Apple Developer Account ($100), create code signing certificates, manage promo codes, localization, etc and this is assuming they already own a Mac. So, to solve this problem, I spent the last few weeks building Sticker Spot. It’s a platform that helps non-technical designers create custom iMessage, Telegram, and WhatsApp sticker packs simply by uploading their designs. We'll manage all of the publishing and programming topics. Once your sticker pack is live, you'll receive the full commission from every sale! We're still putting the finishing touches on our platform before we go live to the public, but if you're interested please join our mailing list!